Music Ministry
; Honolulu Diocese & 'Aha Hïmeni Songfest 2008

Lokomaika'i 'Aha Hïmeni Songfest  ** You'll need to have an Hawaiian Font in your system to read the diacriticals correctly. The Lokomaika'i 'Aha Hïmeni Songfest is a project of  H.A.L.I.A. (Hawaiian Arts & Liturgical Inculturation Awareness) for more information call Margaret Peters 261-3410 or Darlene Ah Yo 735-0259

October, 2008, Friday 7:30 p.m. Co Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kapalama
Free admission.   Catered Meal to follow in Parish Hall, $8.00 per person, please pay in advance  :-)
Enjoy an evening of Hawaiian-style church music by several Oahu parish choirs.
This event encourages and promotes the use of Hawaiian music, language, and hula in our church celebrations.
These celebrations feature some newly-introduced compositions and arrangements of Hawaiian Sacred Music.  Thanks very much to the 'Aha Hïmeni Committee and the St. Jude community, and all the participating choirs and their directors and composers  for their generosity of time, talent, and treasure. All in all, this will be an incredible night to remember, where even the smallest of choirs receives the largest of accolades! Spread the word.....the 'Aha Hïmeni has to be one of the best highlights of Hawaiian Inculturation and choral musicianship!

All-Group Songs 2008 click to play / listen  (contact Rob for a practice CD you can copy for your choir...)

Glory to God [Honolulu Mass]  (R. Mondoy) Please learn the parts :-)
Aloha 'Oe E Malia [Hail Mary] (Text: Puakea Nogelmeier after Manuale Katolika (1890), Tune: R. Mondoy)
In Christ There is No East or West (Tune: He'eia, J. Kalakahi, Oxenham)

Attachments (2008) for Choir Directors (*pdf files)
Download the Sheet Music*
Download Registration form / Information * 
Don't forget the $8@ for the catered meal.  Thanks so much for the kokua.
Download Advertisement Poster*   Please distribute any and everywhere :-) mahalo!

Notice to ALL: If you have pictures of our performing choirs from previous years, please do contact rob rmondoy AT lava DOT net. I'd like to post them (by years) on the website :-)


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