Native Hawaiian Plants, a passion
Featured sound clip (click here for on/off): Psalm 8, based on "Koali" by Robert M. Mondoy. © Mondoy Music
Listed more or less in Hawaiian alphabetical order

AkiaKanaio.jpg (78029 bytes) ‘Akia, Kanaio, south Maui 1994 AkiaMokuleia.jpg (82586 bytes) ‘Akia, Mokulë‘ia, O‘ahu , really large leaves, 1999.
AkokoDegeneri.jpg (68073 bytes)  ‘Akökö degenerii, Ka‘ena 1993
Akokokilauea01.jpg (83778 bytes) ‘Akökö of Kilaeua, Kaua‘i 1999 Akokokilaueao2.jpg (75418 bytes)   ibid.
Akokolelekea01.jpg (93506 bytes)   Akokolelekea02.jpg (82869 bytes)‘Akökö of Lelekea, south Maui, 1994. These were growing as big shrubs along the roadside until the (stupid) county bulldozed them - they were not threatening the road.
Hinahina kuahiwi, Wailea hotel, 1994 HinahinaKuahiwi.jpg (70207 bytes)

KokioulaulaWailau.jpg (59364 bytes) Kokio ‘ula‘ula, Wailau Valley, 1990. It's still there, under Big Mango Tree. I was lucky to see it bloom. I cleared away big mango's dangerous branches from over it. It grows precariously over the stream's steep bank.
NaupakaLii.jpg (75157 bytes) Naupaka li‘ili‘ [rare] Wailea hotel, 1994
OheMakai01.jpg (61733 bytes)  OheMakai02.jpg (66849 bytes) ‘Ohe Makai, Kanaio, South Maui, 1994

These are the wiliwili of Moloka‘i S=salmon, O=orange, W=white
WiliBigCut.JPG (120685 bytes) @big cut, Maunaloa, S,W 1998 WiliHoloGlch.JPG (70707 bytes) @Holomua gulch, S, 1998
wilikala.jpg (101251 bytes) @Kalama‘ula-uka, S 1990 WiliKalaWhite.JPG (67178 bytes)@Kalama‘ula-uka, W 1990

WiliMaunaMakai.JPG (105635 bytes) @Maunaloa Hwy above Mahana, S,W,O 1998
WiliSalHolo.JPG (64853 bytes) @Holomua, S 1998 WiliTallHolo.JPG (111899 bytes) @Holomua, S 1990
WiliTruckManana.JPG (70295 bytes)@samples, side by side, 1998 l to r: S Kawela / S Maunaloa /  W Pu‘u Pe‘elua /  W Maunaloa / O Maunaloa.