Sweet Violet   Sheet Music: Hopkins Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs 1899, 1928)   36

Soundclips, for educational purposes only: click to see if available (contact me if needed)
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This key: Bb  |  Use capo I, play A    Solfege: MFSdmrrd, dddTLLS

Text to be typed


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Translation needed [Source]
Orthographical corrections requested

Hua ‘ōlelo: unknown; huapala.org ascribes this to Eliza Doiron   http://www.huapala.org/SW/Sweet_Violet.html
Leo: ibid, or by or arr. by Charles Hopkins
KBMH pg. 47

Downbeat [ | ] markings reflect current musical / linguistic practice and sensibilities given ACHS's possibly dated melodies. Do purchase other publications that might contain this song, some with the chords1 or melody2 printed.  Several excellent collections include: [HMA]1 He Mele Aloha  (Wilcox, Hussey, Hollinger & Nogelmeier; Honolulu, 2003);  [NMHN]  Nä Mele o Hawai'i Nei, Elbert & Mahoe; University of Hawai‘i Press; Honolulu, 1970);  [QS]1,2 The Queen's Songbook, Hui Hänai; Honolulu, 1999) available at bookstores. Also, on-line: [HUA] www. huapala.org

Midi Soundclip: © 2004 Mondoy Music  All rights reserved. You have my permission to save this midi file to your desktop for your personal use.  If your use of this midi file goes beyond  home or school use, please contact me. Mahalo!

** You'll need to have an Hawaiian Font in your system to read the diacriticals correctly
L  This Sheet Music Service is a community service provided by Mondoy Music and many others. Please support the growth of kanakapila and music publications in Hawai‘i in general by purchasing for your collection  Ka Buke Mele O Nä Hïmeni Hawai‘i, (ed. Holstein, Honolulu, 1897, Bishop Museum Press, 2003), the cross-reference source of most of  ACHS's collection,  available at bookstores.
YOU CAN KÖKUA with  the accuracy of this page with your contribution of spellings & orthographical corrections. These songs are public domain. 
Contact mondoymusic@att.net  main website: www.mondoymusic.com