The Liturgical Musician
2003 Catechetical Institute (11th anniversary for this Course; Presenter: Rob Mondoy)
e-mail: rmondoy
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Syllabus and NOTE SHEETS (this packet)
Major Documents:
Music in Catholic Worship (1983) NCCB “MCW”
Liturgical Music Today (1982) NCCB “LMT”
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (1963) Vatican II “CSL”
General Instruction of the Roman Missal (1975) Vatican II “GIRM”
Appendix to the General Instruction for the Dioceses of the U.S. (ca. 1977) “Giapp”
Lectionary for Mass: Introduction (ca. 1977) “LMInt”
Various handouts of Music examples, Think-Sheets, and quizzes.
○ TOPIC ONE: “The Musician Empowered”
Basics of Music Ministry: LMT § 63-70
Basics of Gathering Together for Sunday Eucharist: MCW §1-10
Basics for evaluating music for Eucharist: Three-fold Judgement: MCW §26-41
□ 1. The Musical Judgement (“Aesthetics”)
□ 2. The Liturgical Judgement (The “rubric”)
□ 3. The Pastoral Judgement (“Local custom”)
Basics for all Parishes: Liturgy Commission and Music Ministers: see handout: “On Liturgy” and “Reflection Sheet for Liturgy Commissions”
Balance of leadership attitudes, being mindful of Eucharistic Theology at all levels of leadership.
Some discussion questions:
○ What really is “liturgy”?
○ How do I better listen to my people?
○ How is my community-awareness and the term, "Body of Christ"?
○ How can I better develop my Musical Judgement ? (Possible issues: My limited knowledge of repertoire | Limited budget to purchase music to review? | My personal musical skills? | my commitment of time to the ministry to “move forward”
○ How can I better develop my Liturgical Judgement ? (Possible issues: My limited knowledge of this area | Limited awareness of what “the books” say (so I we can “go by the books”) | Limited awareness of the flexibility of Liturgy / e.g. Church Year | Control issues, areas of hegemony in the parish | Balancing between “too strict” and “too lackadaisical”
○ How can I better develop my Pastoral Judgement ? (Possible issues: “Rules; I need 'em/don't need 'em | Tunnel-vision of my ministry “Doing my thing for God” | Listening, compassion for all kinds of people.
(Remaining Topics:)
Topic Two: The Musician Liturgical (The Primary/Secondary parts of Liturgy | The Liturgical Year | The “flow” of Catholic Sunday Worship | The Sacraments | The Roles of Songleader and Choirs)
Topic Three : The Musician Practical (How to be organized | Improving one's ability to plan for Sunday Music, balancing “aesthetic “ and pastoral issues | Long-Term planning | The Music Library | Assembly Music Materials.
Topic Four: The Musician as Musician (Improving one's musical abilities, on-going education | The parish's commitment to Musical sustenance and growth | Composing Music | Music review
The Liturgical Musician
2003 Catechetical Institute (11th anniversary for this Course; Presenter: Rob Mondoy)
e-mail: | website:
○ TOPIC TWO: “The Musician Liturgical”
Basics of “Structure” of Sunday Liturgy: MCW § 42-49
√“Primary / Secondary” Parts of the Mass
Basics of Applying Liturgy Knowledge to the Music Planning Process
√General Considerations MCW § 50-52
√Specific Considerations MCW § 53-62
√Other Specific Considerations MCW § 63-74
√Flexibility and Creativity Considerations MCW § 75-76
√ “Business” Considerations MCW § 77-78
The Church (Liturgical) Year and Music Planning
-see also MCW § 19-20
Issues of Diversity and Unity for Sunday Worship
-see MCW § 15-18
The “Flow” of the Liturgy: General Comments and considerations
Celebrating Music when Celebrating the Sacraments MCW § 79-83,
also LMT § 22-23, for Baptism LMT § 9-10
also see “The Rites” Volume One, Volume Two
The Roles of Songleader and Choirs and Instrumentalists § MCW 35-38
Some discussion questions:
○ How can I match my knowledge of Church (Liturgical) Year, primacy of the Acclamations and Psalm to the music program in my ministry? How does this affect my music choices/planning?
○ How can I better celebrate Baptisms in Mass?/Coordinate with the Priests/Deacons?
○ How can I institute creative musical and liturgical gestures to highlight the Church Years' Seasons?
○ Where/How can I improve my parish Music Library resources? Can I make time to evaluate and search for the “best” liturgical musical items among the many publishers and hymn-books and song-books? Can I find the help, and talent, the photocopy-machine and the needed monies to prepare this music for use by our music-ministry leaders and my assembly?
The Liturgical Musician
2003 Catechetical Institute (11th anniversary for this Course; Presenter: Rob Mondoy)
e-mail: | website:
○ TOPIC THREE: “The Musician Practical”
Organizing the Musicians' Office (The need to put our money where it really can do something) :
√Lists of - Acclamations / Service Music (i.e., Penitential Rites, Music for RCIA, Lamb of God, etc.
-Anthems / Solo Songs for very occasional use
√Anthologies of the above (for easy review)
√Library of Documents and Music Books
Acclamations & Service Music and Psalm Planners (see handouts)
Assembly Materials and Copyright payments (“royalties”)
General thoughts on photocopying
Budgeting for Instruments / Repair & maintenance
Budgeting for Musician Education
√Musical training for individuals, say for: a] younger musicians, b] on-going education for “older” musicians via piano studios, formal organ lessons, collegiate level courses in music theory and performance
Some discussion questions:
○ Is long-term planning a possibility that is attractive to me? What would be the advantages?
○ How can I organize all the various music groups in my parish to create a great music library and responsibly share/return books? Can we plan certain major feasts together?
○ Are the priorities in my parish geared to make Sunday worship of primary importance? Among the parish's many needs, do we on the Parish council and Liturgy Commission see the importance of improving the best features of our Sunday experiences? Can we maintain our liturgical growth into the future despite administration changes? What is “pastoral parish ownership”?
The Liturgical Musician
2003 Catechetical Institute (11th anniversary for this Course; Presenter: Rob Mondoy)
e-mail: | website:
○ TOPIC FOUR: “The Musician's Musicianship”
Broadening Your Music Reading / Sight-Singing Skills:
Personality and Presence when Presenting new music for practice
√Preparation | KNOW the meaning, feel, heart of the song w/o losing flexibility
√Practice Tempo is SLOWER than performance tempo, but not too much....
Teaching Fellow Music Ministers (and reminding one's self) the importance of being liturgically “earnest”
√ Choir
√ Instrumentalists
The Basic minimum: Songleader | Accompanist | A humane, steady beat