Alleluia of Easter Vigil/Psalm 118 arranged by Robert Mondoy and Calvin Liu, 1990 from "Muisc for  The Great Triduum"
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                 E                B7    E                                        A   E                                F#m  B   E
*Deacon: Reverend Father, I bring you a message of great joy, the message of "Alle-  lu-  ia!"

Sanctus Bells, maybe even the church bells, ring throughout the following:
        E                A        E     D   Bm7    E
D:    Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !

        E                A        E     D   Bm7    E
All:  Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !               

        F                Bb      F     Eb   Cm7   F
D:    Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !

        F                Bb      F     Eb   Cm7   F
All:  Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !     

        G                C       G     F   Dm7   G
D:    Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !

         G                C       G     F   Dm7   G
All:  Al- le-        lu-      ia.___________ !     

A Gospel procession may follow while the choir/assembly sings Psalm 118 [1-2.16-17.22-23] with the refrain "alleluia" from above or from another arrangement. Be sure to sing your community's Easter season Alleluia after the Gospel this night and throughout the Easter season! Don't forget to ring those bells during all the alleluias until the end of Easter Season!
*or Presider: Hear, now, one and all, I bring you a message of great joy, the message of "Alleluia!"

Text: I.C.E.L. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
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