Ave Plena Gratiae
from "" by Robert M. Mondoy
< click "Listen" for MIDI or use PLUG-IN >
An anthem based on a medieval chant by Robert M. Mondoy, 1986
from Cantus Mariales, research pending** This composition dedicated to Jim
“Workable” translation by Rob Mondoy
1. Ave plena gratiae, Mater misericordiae, sancta Maria.
Hail, full of grace, Mother of mercy, holy Mary.
2. Per quam omnis gratiae fons ortus est Ecclesiae, sancta Maria.
Through you the fountain of all grace flows for the Church, holy Mary.
3. Laude digna angelorum, sume laudes peccatorum, sancta Maria.
Graced by the angels’ praises, accept the praise of us sinners, holy Mary.
4. Spes reorum, spes lapsorum, laetitia beatorum, sancta Maria.
The hope of the forsaken, the deceased, the joy of saints, holy Mary.
5. Te Gabriel laetificavit, te Paraclitus obumbravit, sancta Maria.
Gabriel rejoiced in you, the Holy Spirit overshadowed you, holy Mary.
6. Pater summus magnificavit dum Filio matrem creavit, sancta Maria.
The Most-High Father exalted you while creating you as mother of his Son, holy
7. O gloria! O gaudium! Dum genuisti Altissimi Unigenitum, sancta Maria.
O glory! O joy! That you would bear the Son of the Most-High, holy Mary.
8. O Domina! O Dominum propitium fac nobis tuum primogenitum, sancta Maria.
O mistress! Intercede for us with the Lord, your first-born, holy Mary.
9. Tuum per transiit gladius animam, cum in crucifixi latere defixam cerneres
lanceam, sancta Maria.
A sword pierced your soul while the lance pierced the side of the crucified one,
holy Mary.
10. Vincula, colaphi, corona spinea, arundo, flagella clavique te matrem
corde cruentarunt, sancta Maria.
Chains, buffeting, the crown of thorns, the whipping; all bore upon your own
heart, holy Mary.
11. O laetitia! O resurrexit Dominus, en Virgo, vivit tuus Filius, sancta
O joy! The Lord is risen! Behold, O Virgin; your Son lives! O holy Mary.
12. O Regina! [O regnat,]* Vincit, imperat! Non moriturus tuus unicus, sancta
O Queen! He reigns, he conquered, he rules! No more to die, your only Son, holy
13. Nunc semper choros angelorum exaltata, a dextris Filii mater, regnas,
caelesti gloria circumdata, sancta Maria.
And now, exalted by the angelic choirs, you reign with your Son in the midst of
heaven’s glory, holy Mary.
14. Nostri memor esto in misericordia, in hac miseria, nos exules reduc ad
aeterna tabernacula, sancta Maria.
Remember us, in your mercy, we poor ones, who are exiled; lead us to the
heavenly sanctuary, holy Mary.
15. O Virgo! O Domina! O Mater regina, sancta Maria.
O Virgin! O Mistress! O Mother regal; O holy Mary.
* These words were deleted from my setting for musical-phrase-balance reasons;
doesn’t really alter the sense of the chant.
** You can listen to the chant “Ave Plena Gratiae” on a 1995 CD by the
Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos. My interest and musical work with
this chant preceded the resurgent interest in chant in the mid ‘90's
Use above midi-link or plug-in; choir parts below not yet made.
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