126. In the Lord's Atoning Grief
SJV: 301
In the Lord's atoning grief
Be our rest and sweet relief
within our hearts we'll store
Those dear pains and wrongs he bore.
2. Thorns and cross and nails and
spear, Wounds that
faithful hearts revere,
Vinegar and gall and reed,
And the pang of soul that freed.
3. May these all our spirits fill,
And with love inflame our will;
Plant in us contrition's root,
Ripen there its saving fruit.
Crucified, we thee adore,
Thee with all our hearts implore;
With the saints our souls unite
In the realms of heav'nly light.
Christ, by coward hands betrayed,
Christ, for us a captive made,
Christ, upon the bitter tree,
Slain for us, all praise to thee.
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Text: In passione Domini,
St. Bonaventura (1221-1274), tr. by Frederick Oakley (1802-1880) in his
Devotions Commemorative of the Passion of Our Lord..., 1842
Tune: KAʻEHAʻEHA, an original melody by Robert M. Mondoy (b.1952) ©1997 Mondoy Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission. If authorized*, you have permission to save this midi/mp3 file to your desktop for your personal use. You may print this page anytime. Any reproduction (photocopying or download-printing) of the sheet music is ILLEGAL unless you pay a royalty fee of $1.00. Read "Reprint Policy (see Mondoy Music Web Main Index at the left or contact me (see right) :-) Mahalo! |
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