136. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Nui A Hina]
SJV: 335
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
(Leo: Moloka'i Nui A Hina)
1. Christ the Lord is risen today; Christians, haste your
vows to pay; Make your joy and praises known to the Paschal Victim; For the
sheep the Lamb has bled, sinless in the sinner's stead. Christ the Lord is
risen on high; now he loves, no more to die.
Christ, the victim undefiled, God and sinners reconciled; Christ has fought
with death and won for us life eternal. Christians on this happy day raise
your hearts with joy and say: Christ the Lord is risen on high; now he
lives, no more to die.
3. Hallowed, chosen dawn of
praise, Easter, queen of all our days; Zion's children everywhere come and
share your glory. Let the people praise you, Lord, be, by all that is,
adored: Let the nations shout and sing: Glory to their Paschal King.
4. Christ, who once for sinners bled, now the first born
from the dead. Throned in endless might and power, live and reign forever.
Hymns of glory, songs of praise, Father, unto you we raise: Risen Lord, we
now adore. With the Spirit evermore.
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Hua ʻōlelo: Victimae Pascahli Laudes, asc. to Wipo
of Burgundy, (d. 1048); Tr. by Jane E. Leeson (1809-1881), alt R Mondoy
1997, 1999 Leo: Anonymous Tenting Tonight, an American Civil
War tune, known in Hawaiʻii as Molokaʻi Nui a Hina, This arrangement
Robert M. Mondoy, ©1997. If authorized*, you have permission to save this midi/mp3 file to your desktop for your personal use. You may print this page anytime. Any reproduction (photocopying or download-printing) of the sheet music is ILLEGAL unless you pay a royalty fee of $1.00. Read "Reprint Policy (see Mondoy Music Web Main Index at the left or contact me (see right) :-) Mahalo! |
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