181. At The Name of Jesus
SJV: 224
1. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, Every
tongue confess him King of glory now;
'Tis the Father's pleasure we
should call him Lord, Who from the beginning was the mighty Word.
2. At his voice creation sprang at once to sight: All
the angel faces, all the hosts of light,
Thrones and dominations,
stars upon their way, All the heavenly orders in their great array.
3. Humbled for a season, to receive a name From the
lips of sinners, unto whom he came;
Faithfully he bore it spotless to
the last, Brought it back victorious when from death he passed;
4. Bore it up triumphant, with its human light, Through
all ranks of creatures, to the central height,
To the throne of
Godhead, to the Father's breast, Filled it with the glory of that
perfect rest.
5. Name him, Christians, name him with
Love as strong as death, But with awe and wonder, and with bated breath;
He is God the Savior, He is Christ the Lord, Ever to be worshipped,
trusted and adored.
6. Christians, this Lord Jesus
shall return again, With his Father's glory, with his angel train;
For all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow, And our hearts confess him
King of glory now.
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Text: Carolina Maria Noel (1817-1877) in her The Name of Jesus and Other
Poems for the Sick and Lonely, 1870. Music: Ka Moaʻe, Solomon Hiram
©1916 Charles E. King in Kingʻs Book of Hawaiian Melodies. This version
after current usage.. This arrangement ©1995 Mondoy Music. Used with
permission. Go listen: www.mondoymusic.com. If authorized*, you have permission to save this midi/mp3 file to your desktop for your personal use. You may print this page anytime. Any reproduction (photocopying or download-printing) of the sheet music is ILLEGAL unless you pay a royalty fee of $1.00. Read "Reprint Policy (see Mondoy Music Web Main Index at the left or contact me (see right) :-) Mahalo! |
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