Ps. 19 9
"Your Words, Lord" [Koi]
from "Hawaiian
Psalms Lima (Volume V)"
by Robert M. Mondoy [69]
Your words, your words, O Lord, are spirit and life. Your words,
your words, O Lord, are spirit and life.
1. The law of the Lord is perfect, O God's perfect love revives the
soul. The Lord's decrees are worthy of our trust;
God's rule does
guide the simple.
2. O God's demands are just, O God's demands
delight the heart. O God's commands, O Godʻs commands do
vision, enlighten the eye.
3. How pure, the fear, the fear of the
Lord, God's faultless decrees stand forever. God's vision in all things
right and just, God's judgements do keep their truth.
4. I
ask you, my God, to keep my pride in check; help me break its grip. Then
I can stand before you blameless
and free from deadly sin.
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