Ps. 22 3
"You Are My Praise, Lord" [Ua Kea O Hāna]
from "Hawaiian Psalms
Kolu (Volume III)"
by Robert M. Mondoy [53]
You are my praise, Lord, in the great assembly.
You are my praise, Lord, in the great assembly.
Nou koʻu mailani i kou anaina nui. Nou koʻu mailani i kou anaina
1. I make good my promise before our people; all seekers of God shall break
out in praise. The lowly and poor shall eat all their fill; "May all hearts live
for ever in joy."
2. All peoples, all families shall turn to you now; all seekers of God shall bow
down in praise. All those who have lived and all those whoʻve died still
proclaim God for ever all time.
3. So we and our children will live for you now; all seekers of God shall serve
all their days; Proclaiming to those to be born; the news that God saves all for
ever through love.
LOH 4. Glory, honor and worship to you, O Father, and to the Son and the Spirit,
as it was since the start, is now, and will be for ever. Amen, amen.
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