Ps. 34 3
"Taste and See" [Makanalua]
from "Hawaiian Psalms
Lua (Volume II)"
by Robert M. Mondoy [St. Damien Feastday]
Taste and see that the Lord is good, O taste and see that the Lord is
E hoʻāʻo ʻoukou, e hoʻāʻo ʻoukou
a e ʻike hoʻi he maikaʻi no Iāue (ka
1. I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise always on my lips. In
the Lord my soul shall makes its boast. The humble shall hear and be
2. Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be
ashamed. This poor one called; and the Lord heard him and rescued him
from all distress.
3. The angel of the Lord is right there to rescue
those in need.. Come and drink in the richness of God. They are happy
who seek refuge in him.
4. Many trials beset the just ones, but the
Lord will rescue them the same. God will guard their way and their
works, every part of them shall be watched by the Lord God.
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Hawaiian by Puakea Nogelmeier 2004. All rights
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