Ps. 103 5
"The Lord is Tender, Caring" [Mālama]
from "Hawaiian Psalms Hā (Volume
by Robert M. Mondoy [91]
The Lord is tender, caring, and merciful.
The Lord is tender, caring, and merciful.
He aloha a mālama nō ka Haku
He aloha a mālama nō ka Haku
1. My soul, bless the Lord, bless God’s holy name, bless God’s holy
name! My soul, bless the Lord, and hold dear all God’s gifts.
Bless God, who forgives your sin and heals every illness, who snatches
you from death and enfolds you with tender care.
3. O the Lord is
tender and caring, slow to anger, rich in love. God will not accuse us
long, nor exact from us what we deserve.
4. As far as east is from
west, so God removes all our sins. As tender as father to child, so
gentle is God to us. HRT
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