Ps. 1192 & 1193 "Happy
Are They Who Keep God's Law"
from "When I
Call Out to You Vol. 3
by Robert M. Mondoy [76, 273]
Happy are they who keep God's law. Happy are they who keep Gods' law.
verses for Psalm 1192 [76]
1. Happy they, the blameless, who keep the Lord’s decrees, seeking God
with all their heart while walking the path of the law.
2. Lord, you charge us all to cherish your law. Steady me that I may keep each
and all of your own commands.
3. Do be kind to me, your servant, that I may live your word. Open up my eyes to
the beauty, the beauty of your love.
4. O God, teach me your ways and I will closely follow them. Help me understand
your will, that truly I cherish your law.
verses for Psalm 1193 [273]
1.Those in power would plot and seek to trip me, Still I
think on your law, which counsels and brings me delight.
2. I declared all my ways, and so you answered me, Teach me all of your precepts
and I'll muse on all of your wonders.
3. Keep me, Lord, from all falsehood, teach your law to me, I have chosen your
way, and I choose to keep your decrees.
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