Aloha ‘Oe   Sheet Music: Hopkins Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs 1899, 1928)   6

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This key: Ab  |  Use capo III, play     Solfege: 

1. Ha‘a- | heo ka ua i nā | pali
Ke | nihi a‘ela i ka na-| hele *
E ha- | hai ana paha i ka | liko  **
Pua | ‘āhihi lehua o | uka

Aloha ¦ ‘oe, aloha ¦ ‘oe
E ke | onaona noho i ka | lipo
A | fond embrace,
A | ho‘i a‘e au
Un- | til we meet again.

2. ‘O ka ¦ hali‘a a- ¦ loha i hiki ¦ mai
Ke ¦ hone a‘e nei i ku‘u ma- ¦ nawa
‘O ¦ ‘oe nō ¦ ka‘u ipo a- ¦ loha
A ¦ loko ¦ e hana ¦ nei

3. Mao- ¦ popo ku‘u ¦ ‘ike i ka ¦ nani
¦ pua rose o Mauna- ¦ wili
I ¦ laila hia‘ai nā ¦ manu
Miki- ¦ ‘ala i ka nani o ka ¦ liko  [HMA]

* Ke | nihi a‘ela ka na-| hele  [ACHS only]
** E ha- | hai ana i ka | liko  [ACHS only]
Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs
As it glided through the trees
Still following ever the liko
The ‘ähihi lehua of the vale.  

Farewell to thee, farewell to thee
Thou charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace,
'ere I depart
Until we meet again.

Thus sweet memories come back to me
Bringing fresh remembrance of the past
Dearest one. yes, thou are mine own
From thee, true love shall ne'er depart

I have seen and watched thy loveliness
Thou sweet rose of Maunawili
And 'tis there the birds oft love to dwell
And sip honey from thy lips    [HMA]

Hua ‘ōlelo:   Lili‘uokalani, 1877/78  (1838-1917)  (ACHS has all 3 verses, but only vrs. 1 is notational)
Leo:  Lili‘uokalani, 1877/78  (1838-1917)
KBMH pg. 049

Downbeat  (pink) | ) markings are original to ACHS.  Downbeat  (blue) ¦ ) markings differ from ACHS and are suggested to reflect current musical / linguistic practice and sensibilities.
Soundclip: © 2004/2020 Mondoy Music  All rights reserved. You have my permission to save this midi file to your desktop for your personal use.  If your use of this midi file goes beyond  home or school use, please contact me.
Bibliography: KBMH Ka Buke Mele o na Himeni Hawaii Holstein 1897 (Bishop Museum 2003)
KHHH Ka Hoonanea o na Home Hawaii Keakaokalani & Bright 1888
ACHS Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs Wall, Nichols Co. 1899, 1928
NMHN Nā Mele o Hawaiʻi Nei, Elbert & Mahoe; University of Hawai‘i Press; Honolulu, 1970
QS The Queen's Songbook, Hui Hānai; Honolulu, 1999
HMA He Mele Aloha Wilcox, Hussey, Hollinger & Nogelmeier; Honolulu, 2003

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