Honesakala   Sheet Music: Hopkins Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs 1899, 1928)   76

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This key: F    Solfege:
ref. SSSdrmfmrLr

1. Ho‘o- | heno kē- | ia no ka | honesaka- ¦  la
Ke | ‘ala mua | ho‘i a‘u | i honi | ai
Ua | ho‘opa‘a | ‘ia ma | ko‘u pu‘u- | wai
Me | kahi pōkē ¦  pua a kā- | ua i kui | ai   *1
Li‘a | au i ka | ‘ono o ka | wai o ia | pua  *2
‘Upu | a‘e ka ma- | na‘o e | ki‘i hou e | ako
‘A- | ‘ohe kani | leo o nā | manu o ‘Ō- | la‘a  *3 
Ua | la‘ahia | au me | Kākuhi- | hewa  *4 

2. I ¦ waiho iho | au i kahi | lei ua | mae
I | hō‘ailona | nou e | ‘ike iho | ai
A he | ‘u‘a  kē- | ia ua | hiki iho | nei  *5
Ke | ahu mai | nei ka me-| heu hele | hewa  *6

3. ‘A- ¦ ‘ole no ¦ ku‘u ‘ike ¦ ‘ana i ka ¦ nani   [v.3 fr. KBMH]
Wau e ka- ¦ ena  ¦ wale a‘e ¦ ai
He ma-¦ ka‘u nui ¦ ko‘u o ¦ pulu i ka ¦ ua
O ¦ ‘elo‘elo ¦ ho‘i a lo- ¦ a‘a i ke ¦ anu                       

*1 Me kahi poke a kaua i kui ai     [ sic; ACHS]
*2 oia pua                                    [ sic; ACHS, KBMH]
*3  leo a na manu                                [ sic; KBMH]
*4 Ua laahia au me ke ka kuhihewa   [ sic; ACHS]
*5 A he u-a                                               [ sic; KBMH]
*6 ka maheu                                          [sic; ACHS]
This is a cherished song for the honeysuckle
The first fragrance that I inhaled
It is bound within my heart
With the bouquet that you and I fashioned


I yearn for the sweet nectar of that flower
Thoughts well up to pluck it anew
There is no encouraging voice of the birds of ‘Ōla‘a
I am cursed by illusion, like Kākuhihewa

I leave a lei that has faded
As a sign for you to see
This worthless one has come in vain
The straying footsteps are apparent

(word-play with boots on the steps)
It's not my knowledge of beauty
That causes me to boast
I am fearful of being soaked in the rain
Drenched, and falling prey to the cold
[Nogelmeier, 2004]
from Noe Mahoe's book: *Tom Lindsey
 (in KBMH, Lindsay) was a hapa-haole with a
sweetheart. One morning the both of them made
a honeysuckle lei and then he went to work.
He returned unexpectedly and saw a horse
in front of his sweetheart's house.
When he looked in he saw his beloved wife in the
arms of his uncle. Heartbroken, he left the lei on the
door knob. He composed this song in grief and died
a few months later (Told by Mrs. Pukui)

Hua ‘ōlelo: Lindsey, Thomas; ca. 1897 ( sic Tom Lindsay, dedicated to Hattie,  in KBMH)
Leo:   ibid. or Nape (sic) 
KBMH pg. 124

Downbeat  (pink) | ) markings are original to ACHS.  Downbeat  (blue) ¦ ) markings differ from ACHS and are suggested to reflect current musical / linguistic practice and sensibilities.
Soundclip: © 2004/2020 Mondoy Music  All rights reserved. You have my permission to save this midi file to your desktop for your personal use.  If your use of this midi file goes beyond  home or school use, please contact me.
Bibliography: KBMH Ka Buke Mele o na Himeni Hawaii Holstein 1897 (Bishop Museum 2003)
KHHH Ka Hoonanea o na Home Hawaii Keakaokalani & Bright 1888
ACHS Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs Wall, Nichols Co. 1899, 1928
NMHN Nā Mele o Hawaiʻi Nei, Elbert & Mahoe; University of Hawai‘i Press; Honolulu, 1970
QS The Queen's Songbook, Hui Hānai; Honolulu, 1999
HMA He Mele Aloha Wilcox, Hussey, Hollinger & Nogelmeier; Honolulu, 2003

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