Maika‘i Ka Makani O Kohala   Sheet Music: Hopkins Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs 1899, 1928)   42

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This key: Ab  |  Use capo III, play F    Solfege:

1. Mai- | ka‘i ka makani o Ko- | hala
‘Ike | ‘ia e ka Inu- | wai
‘O ka | wai nō ia pono kā- | ua
Wai | kaulana o ka | ‘āina
Ko a- | loha, ko aloha ka‘u mea | nui
He ma- | kana, he makana na ka pu‘u- | wai
2. Nani | wale Niuli‘i kāhela i ka | la‘i
‘E- | kolu ‘ōpua i hiki | mai
Ā- | lai ‘ia mai e ka ulu | hala
Nalo- | wale ka luna o Hā- | pu‘u 

3. ‘E- | lua māua i ka holo o ka | lio
| ohi ‘ia mai e Polo- |
| ‘ole ka pi‘ina a‘o Kupe- | hau
| wale nā lehua o ‘Ā- | wini    [this v. fr. HMA]

3. Ha‘a- | heo ka hau i ka | mauna
Kā- | hiko i ka ‘ohu o ka na- | hele
Ke kā- | ohi mai nei Lili- | noe
I ka | ‘ohu noe i ke kua- | hiwi

4. Nē | hone ka leo o ka | wai
Hone | ana i ka | ‘iwa
Ku‘u | ‘iwa ku‘u lei kāhiko | ia
| pua lehua o ‘Ā- | wini   [KBMH], [HMA]
How fine is the wind of Kohala
Known as the Inuwai
The water that brings life to you and me
Famous water of the land

Your love, your love is what I cherish
A gift, a gift from the heart
Beautiful indeed is Niuli‘i expansive in the calm
Three billowing clouds have appeared
Blocked from view by the pandanus grove
The heights of Hāpu‘u are obscured

We two went horseback riding
Slowed by the travel to Pololū
The ascent to Kupehau was made effortless
By the sight of the lehua of ‘Āwini

How proud is the snow on the mountain
Adorning the fog of the forest
Lilinoe is holding back
The mists that settle on the slopes

The voice of the water sings softly
Appealing to the ‘iwa fern
My ‘iwa is my lei to wear
With the lehua blossoms of ‘Āwini   [HMA]

Hua ‘ōlelo: Sheldon, William; before 1888 "Ka Inu Wai"  [Only vrs 1, 2 appear in ACHS]
Leo:  ibid. or Nape (sic)
KBMH pg. 031

Downbeat  (pink) | ) markings are original to ACHS.  Downbeat  (blue) ¦ ) markings differ from ACHS and are suggested to reflect current musical / linguistic practice and sensibilities.
Soundclip: © 2004/2020 Mondoy Music  All rights reserved. You have my permission to save this midi file to your desktop for your personal use.  If your use of this midi file goes beyond  home or school use, please contact me.
Bibliography: KBMH Ka Buke Mele o na Himeni Hawaii Holstein 1897 (Bishop Museum 2003)
KHHH Ka Hoonanea o na Home Hawaii Keakaokalani & Bright 1888
ACHS Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs Wall, Nichols Co. 1899, 1928
NMHN Nā Mele o Hawaiʻi Nei, Elbert & Mahoe; University of Hawai‘i Press; Honolulu, 1970
QS The Queen's Songbook, Hui Hānai; Honolulu, 1999
HMA He Mele Aloha Wilcox, Hussey, Hollinger & Nogelmeier; Honolulu, 2003

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