Chrism Mass Honolulu 2024 CHOIR Practice Page

POSTED March 17 2024  Apologies for lateness.  Rehearsal March 21 Thursday 7pm
Chrism Mass itself will be March 26 Tueaday 7:00 p.m.  Both at St. Theresa Co-Cathedral
Cal will have some leaflets ready if you let him know how many
GO Download/Print  pdf copy of choir packet - just print up relevant sheets if you wish
1. Gathering Song: Great Is the Power We Proclaim [Walker]
2. Kyrie [Chant]
3. Glory to God [Manolo] no repeats
4. Responsorial Psalm 89 [Harana] "All My Life"
5. Gospel Acclamation:  "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ" [Mondoy]
6.  Renewal of Priestly Promises
7. Pontifical Chrism Procssional
9. Preparation of the Gifts "Your Grace Is Enough" Maher
10. Eucharist Acclamation "Fullness of Faith [Mondoy]
11. Lord's Prayer / Final Doxology / Major mode
12. Lamb of God  Missa de Angelis
13. Communion Procession  In Remembrance of You [Tate]
14.Leavetaking: O God Beyond All Praising [THAXTED]

Study sound clips below

GO Download/Print  pdf copy of choir packet       link to orchestra scores

Gathering Song: Great Is the Power We Proclaim [Walker]
study;  also:
Voice | Downloadable

Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable
A       T       B

2. Kyrie [Chant]
(no sound clip)

3. Glory to God [Manolo]
4. Responsorial Psalm 89 [Harana] "All My LIfe I will Sing
Voice | Downloadable

5. Gospel Acclamation:  "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ" [Mondoy]
 Voice | Downloadable

6.  Renewal of Priestly Promises
7. Pontifical Chrism Procssional
Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable
T      B
9. Preparation of the Gifts "Your Grace is Enough" Maher  NEW!!

10. Eucharist Acclamation "Fullness of Faith [Mondoy]  SOMEWHAT NEW!!
RM 124 Preface Dialogue:
Voice | Downloadable
RM 224 Holy:
Voice | Downloadable

Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable
S       A      T      B    Desc.
RM 324b Memorial Acclamation B  (preferred):
Voice | Downloadable
Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable
S      A       T       B
RM 424 Great Amen:
Voice | Downloadable

Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable  Voice | Downloadable
S      A       T       B    
11. Lord's Prayer / Final Doxology / Major mode
12. Lamb of God  Missa de Angelis
13. Communion Procession 1:    In Remembrance of You
14. Leavetaking: O God Beyond All Praising [THAXTED]