Music Ministry
'Aha Hïmeni Songfest ** You'll need to have an Hawaiian Font in your system to
read the diacriticals correctly.
The Lokomaika'i 'Aha Hïmeni Songfest is a project
of H.A.L.I.A. (Hawaiian Arts & Liturgical Inculturation Awareness) for
more information call Margaret Peters 261-3410 or Darlene Ah Yo 349-2009
05 October, 2012, Friday 7:00 p.m. at St. Theresa Co-Cathedral,
(Pälama) 712 N. School. St. Honolulu HI 96817 ph
Free admission. Meal with price -
donations welcomed
Enjoy an evening of
Hawaiian-style church music by several Oahu parish choirs.
This event encourages and promotes the use of Hawaiian music,
language, and hula in our church celebrations.
These celebrations feature some newly-introduced compositions and arrangements
of Hawaiian Sacred Music. Thanks very much to the 'Aha Hïmeni Committee
and the St. John Vianney community and staff, and all the participating choirs and their directors
and composers for their generosity of time, talent, and treasure. All in
all, this will be an incredible night to remember, where even the smallest of
choirs receives the largest of accolades! Spread the word.....the 'Aha Hïmeni
has to be one of the best highlights of Hawaiian Inculturation and choral
All-Group Songs 2012 click to play / listen
Marianne [Kaka'ako version] (Romano/Mondoy)
"Yes God Works Wonders" (Likeke) (Mondoy)
Maliana Maika'i
[Auana] (Nogelmeier/Mondoy)
Will Sing of the Lord
[No ke ano ahiahi]
These are the songs all the choirs will sing. Your choir's choice song is
below: click on title for possible sound clips to practice with
St . John
Vianney, Kaelepulu
Hoe A Mau Mondoy
Sheet Music
Joseph, Waipahu
Oli Aloha / With
Us Is God
Sheet Music
Star of the Sea, Kahala
'O 'Oe 'Io
Sheet Music
St. Anthony, Kailua
♪ E Ala Ë
St. Theresa Co-Cathedral, Palama
Cathedral Of Our Lady of Peace, Honolulu ♪
Pearl Harbor Memorial
Chapel Catholic Choir
♪ Hallelu 150 [Psalm 150] Lewandowski, arr. Calvin
Our Lady Of Sorrows, Wahiawa
♪ Prayer of St. Francis Pote, arr. Kainoa
Notice to ALL: If you have pictures of our performing choirs
(not just yours..I have "zero"..) from this and the previous
4 years, please do contact rob mondoymusic AT gmail DOT com. I'd like to post
them (by years) on the website :-)
Want to listen to 2011's presentaions? mp3 file downloadable here:
2011 Aha Himeni
Want to listen to 2010's
presentations? mp3 file downloadable here:
2010 'Aha Hïmeni
Want to listen to 2009's
presentations? mp3 file downloadable here:
2009 'Aha Hïmeni This was
the Damien Year Special Presentation
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