St. John Vianney Music Ministry Music Menus 

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Date this page was last edited: Wednesday, 12 February 2025
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SJV Youth MM Packet
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RM 27.3 Glory to God Hurd
SM 70c Gospel Acclamation
SM 102.2. Dismissal of Catechumens, Ordinary Time Light of the Nations
SM 105.3 Infant Baptism in Ordinary Season (as needed)
RM 121-421 Preface Dialogue, Eucharistic Acclamations Light of the Nations Mass
RM 521d Final Doxlogy
SM 624 Lamb of God
RM 700 Dismissal Dialogue 

12 January '25 BAPTISM of the LORD   486 River of Glory Schute (NEW)
Ps 29 Lord Bless Your People With Peace [Hoʻomalu] Mondoy
196 Song Over The Waters
207 We Are God's Work of Art
150 I Am the Light of the World

19 January 2nd Ordinary Procession: Presentation of Lei  by presider for Saint Marianne || Hawaiian chant: Maliana Maikaʻi [solo]
Ps 96 6 Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds NEW Mondoy
264 There Is But One Body [Hoʻonanea] Machado original:
493 Take and Eat Joncas
125 And the Father Will Dance

 26 January 3rd Ordinary  466 Gather Your People [Hurd]

Ps 19 9 Your Words, O Lord (Koi)
496 The King of Glory

208 We Are Many Parts
400 A Mighty Fortress Text different. We will use pauses in phrasing
Postlude |Ein Feste Burg Unser Gott by Johann Christoph Bach  (1642-1703 (Bach's older cousin) perf by Christian Salehi

02 February Presentation of the Lord  225 Canticle of Simeon  (No ke ano ahiahi)
Ps 24 4 Who Is This Splendid Ruler?  Mondoy
163 Lift Up Your Hearts
164 Like a Seal on Your Heart
215 You Are Mine
224 At The Name of Jesus [Ka Moaʻe]
09 February 5th Ordianry  146 Here I Am, Lord
Ps 138 Among the Angels MOndoy
480 Lord You Have Come to The Water Gabarain
134 Center of My Life
194 Take the Word of God Walker

16 February 6th Ordinary  373 I Will choose Christ

 Ps 1 1 Happy Are They Haas
61b Blessed Are We Jeanne Cotter NEW
177 Only This I Want
487 ise Up With Him

23 February 7th Ordinary  402 For You Are My God
Ps 103 5 The Lord Is Tender, Caring Mondoy
197 Speak, Lord, I'm Listening
230 'Ekolu Mea Nui

243 In Christ There is No East or West Heʻeia\sounds\Lira\242_InChristNoEastWest_Heeia.htm or

02 March 8th Ordinary  Possible:Prelude "if You But Trust in God to Guide You (JS Bach BWV 961 (Played by Christian Salehi
Gatehrting Hymn: 419 If You But Trust in God to Guide You  NEW  [NEUMARK]  Practice clip (words different)

227 Christians, Lt Us Love One Another Pulupe Nei 'Ili i ke Anu
234 God Is Love O Makalapua

178Lead Me Lord


LENT Spring 2025|  CYCLE C | Use your Gray Binder / Blue Hymnals / OR Tablets
SM 4 Call to Worship
Granto Us O Lord (Diess: Entrance Antiphon) use appropriate verse
RM 7L Penitential Rite for Lent
SM 80_PTYLJC_lllfld
SM 102.3L Dismissal of the Catechemnate  for AW, 1,2 Lent
SM 101.3-5 Music for the Scrutinies   IMPORTANT for 3,4,5 Lent Scrutinies; see dates/times below:
RM 124-424 Preface Dialogue, Eucharistic Acclamations Fullness of Faith [Mondoy]
RM 500  Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology [Sacramentary]
RM 629 Lamb of God
RM 702 Dismissal Dialogue
Service Music LENT 2019 | CYCLE C
RM 7L Penitential Rite for Lent
SM 101.3-5 Music for the Scrutinies    IMPORTANT for 3,4,5 Lent Scrutinies; see dates/times below:
SM 102.3L Dismissal of the Catechemnate  for 1,2 Lent
RM 124-424 Preface Dialogue thorugh the Amen "Fullness of Faith" Mondoy
RM 500  Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology [Sacramentary]
RM 702 Dismissal Dialogue
06 March ASH WEDNESDAY Silent procession / No Call to Worship, No Penitential rite)
Ps 519 Be Merciful, O Lord Mondoy NEW
Ashes Distribution:   Loose With These Ashes to study open in a new link: 
Loose: This Is Our Accepted Time Mondoy 
289 Turn to Me
272 Ashes
10 March 1 LENT  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 4 verse 1ABC, then SM 7L
Ps 91 1 Be With Me Lord Haugen   to study open in a new link:
    when there is RCIA:   (option: 280 Just As I Am vrs. 1 only then:)  SM 101.1 Sending forth of Catechumen for Rite of Election
Loose Change Our Hearts  to study open in a new link: 
173 On Eagle's Wings
274 Forty Days and Forty Nights
17 March 2 LENT SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 1 verse 2ABC, then SM 7L
Ps 27 2 The Lord is My Light Haas  to study open in a new link:
Loose  'Tis Good, Lord, to be Here [THE PLAIN] Mondoy
134 Center of My Life
193 Song St. Patrick
24 March 3 LENT  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 1 verse 3C, then SM 7L
Ps 103 5 The Lord Is Tender, Caring  NEW
289 Turn to Me
172 Now We Remain
282 Lord Who Throughout these Forty Days
Scrutinies ONLY 5:00: 23 March 3 LENT Cycle A  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 2 verse 3A, then SM 7L
Ps 95 2 Listen, Listen Today [Hoʻolohe] Mondoy
    Ritual Starts with antiphon immediately, be prepared songleader and orchestra!: see  SM 101.3-5 Music for the Scrutinies | The FIRST srcutiny
289 Turn to Me
172 Now We Remain
282 Lord Who Throughout these Forty Days
31 March 4 LENT  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 1 verse 4C, then SM 7L
Ps 34 2 Taste and See Haugen to study opena  new link:
245 Lead, Kindly Light [Old Plantation]
232 God is Always Kind and Righteous  [Ua Like No A Like]
286 Somebody's Knockin' at Your Door
Scrutinies ONLY 9:00: 31 March 4 LENT Cycle A  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 1 verse 4A, then SM 7L
Ps 23 6   The Lord Is My Shepherd   Mondoy NEW
   Ritual Starts with antiphon immediately after homily, be prepared songleader and orchestra!: see  SM 101.3-5 Music for the Scrutinies | The SECOND srcutiny
245 Lead, Kindly Light [Old Plantation]
232 God is Always Kind and Righteous  [Ua Like No A Like]
286 Somebody's Knockin' at Your Door
7 April 5 LENT  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 3  verse 5C, then SM 7L
Ps 126 3 What Marvels the Lord Has Done for Us Mondoy
177 Only This I Want
140 Eye Has Not Seen    Meditation for all = BH 277 God Loved the World
278 Healing River
Scrutinies ONLY 11:00: 7 April 5 LENT Cycle A  SM 4 Songleader or Choir voice-group, then Grant to Us Diess SET 2 verse 3A, then SM 7L
Ps 130 5  With the Lord There is Mercy Mondoy
   Ritual Starts with antiphon immediately after homily, be prepared songleader and orchestra!: see  SM 101.3-5 Music for the Scrutinies | The THIRD srcutiny
177 Only This I Want
140 Eye Has Not Seen    Meditation for all = BH 277 God Loved the World
278 Healing River

278 Healing River

HOLY WEEK Menus for 2019: Click here