There is One Lord [Entrance Procession, Ordinations, Ordinary Time] by Robert M. Mondoy 2007
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There is One Lord,  there is one faith, one God and Father over all, dwelling in us all.
1. There is one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope given all, for through your call you have now become one in Christ, now one in Christ, you have now become one, one in Christ.
2.Live a life, live a life, a life worthy of the call you received, with perfect humility, meekness, and patience, and bearing lovingly with one another, bearing with one another.
3. Keep the unity, make every effort to preserve our oneness in Christ, a unity which has the Spirit as its source and peace as its binding force, with peace and joy as its source.
4. It is God who gives these gifts, the ways in which each of us serve one another, in service to all the faithful, so that Christ’s body may become the perfect man who is Christ come to full stature.
5. Let us not be swayed by error, nor lose sight of the truth that has called us forth to live in light and goodness as children of the loving Father; children of a loving Father.
6. May we grow in the gifts God gives us, profess the truth in love and grow into the fullness of Christ, our head, Christ’s own body firmly built, joint to joint; all built in love, built in true love.
7. Keep within the measure of faith that God has given to you for your work, for all of us have different gifts to be used in service to one another, in service to one, in service to all.
8. I will give you shepherds after my own heart to feed you with knowledge and understanding, such shepherds after my own heart who will lead you wisely, gently, with care shall they lead.
9. Do not render service merely for appearances; rather, do God’s will with your whole heart, as Christ’s own slaves, serving freely for the Lord, and not for men, for God plays no favorites.
10. In all times and in every way do pray in the Spirit and pray for all who labor to preach the good news to all of God’s holy people, all those in the Lord’s good company, those whom he loves.
11. Pray that God be on my lips and on my heart as I bravely make known the Gospel’s mystery to all the world, and pray that I have the courage to proclaim God’s good news as I ought.
12. Go out to the whole world and preach the Gospel; have no fear for I am with you until the end of all time, for I am with you always; now and for all time.

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