(in numerical and topical order) OR next column

Canticle of Zechariah
(Leo: Pua Lililehua)
Comfort, Comfort O My People (Leo: Poli Pumehana)
*106 Away in the Manger
He Kapu Hänai
107 E
Aloha E (Enomoto-Fujimoto) CHRISTMAS
*108 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing / Hämau ˙E Nä Känaka *109 It Came
Upon the Midnight Clear / He Pö La˙la˙e *110 Joy to the World /
Pömaika˙i Wale Kö Ke Ao *111 Little Drummer Boy / Kono ˙Ia Mai Au
My Hawaiian Madonna
(formerly 288)
*113 The Friendly Beasts
Nani Ke 'Liʻi Kiʻekiʻe
Nū ʻOli
*115 O
Come, All Ye Faithful / E Hele Mai ˙Oukou Ka Po˙e Manaö'ī'ö *116 O
Holy Night / Pö Hemolele *117 O Little Town of Bethlehem / Betelehema
Iki Ë 118 Silent Night, Holy Night / Pö La˙i Ë
The Age of Expectation (Leo: Ka Manaʻolana)
120 Lord, From the Depths I Cry to You (Leo: Nā wahi hohonu)
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (Leo: Laulaha)
All Glory, Praise and Honor (Leo:
Lau Pāma)
126 In the Lord's Atoning Grief
Savior, Your Dying Love
What Wondrous Love
129 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Where Kindly Love Dwell (Leo: 'Akahi Ho'i)
135 Because He Lives / No kona ola 136
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
(Leo: Molokaʻi Nui a
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
(Leo: Nā Hala o Naue)
I Will Sing of the Lord
(Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
139 Jesus Christ is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
(Leo: Nā Hala o Naue)
Aloha Nö 'Oe Kö Luna 'Uhane
Aloha, O Spirit
PENTECOST 151 'E Ka 'Uhane Stern 152
Come, Holy Spirit / Mai 'Uhane Hemolele
153 'Uhane Hemolele / Come, O Holy Spirit
(Veni Sancte Spiritus)
155 Holy, Holy, Holy / He Hemolele 'Oe
Christians, Let Us Love One Another
(Leo: Pulupe..)
Nalowale 'Oe / God with Hidden Majesty
162 I Nä Pu'uwai Ho'ana
Praise, O Zion
165 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
166 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Leo: Pua Carnation)
Praise We All the King of Glory / Eia i Hele
168 God's Kingdom Is Upon Us (Leo: Kauai Beauty)
All Things Bright and Beautiful (Leo: Pupu Hinuhinu)
171 Ho'omaika'i
Praise the Lord of Heaven (Leo: Ka Moaʻe)
Praise the Lord of Heaven (Leo: Nani wale
Sing All God's Creation (Leo: Ahe Lau Makani)
180 Aia Ho'i E Ho'omaika'i
At the Name of Jesus (Leo: Ka Moaʻe)
182 God is Light
(Leo: Pua Mohala)
183 Ho'onani i ka Makua Mau
184 Majesty / Mo'i e
185 Nani nä Mea i Ha'i ia Mai / Glorious Things of You Are Spoken
186 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Leo: Ku'u lei momi)
O Sing With Us the Loving Power of God (Leo: Puʻuanahulu)
188 Sing Praise to Our God (Leo: Pälolo)
189 Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord (Leo:
ʻImi Au iā ʻOe)
195 Amazing Grace
196 God is Always Kind and Righteous (Leo: Ua Like No a Like)
197 God is My Strong Salvation (Leo: Mauna Kea)
198 How Good the Name of Jesus Sounds (Leo: Aloha no au i kö maka)
199 How Great Thou Art /
Ke Akua Mana e
200 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
201 Lead, Kindly Light (Leo: Old Plantation)
210 In Moments Like These / He MeleAloha
211 In the Garden / Do You Know?
212 He Touched Me / Pa'a ka mea kaumaha
213 One God / Miliona hoku
214 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
220 Iesü me ke Kanaka Waiwai
221 Iesü nö ke Kahuhipa
225 E Hahai Ho'i I Ke Ala o Ke Aloha
(Follow the Way of Love)
226 'Ekolu Mea Nui
God Is Love (Leo: O
228 I Love You, Lord / Aloha Ke Akua
In Heavenly Love Abiding (Leo: Kalena Kai)
Kou Aloha Nō
(Leo: The Queen's Prayer)
O Wide, Embracing,
Wondrous Love (Leo: Kuʻu waʻa Liʻiliʻi)
235 Aloha Au Kou Aupuni
236 E Nä Lima Hana
For A Peaceful World
238 Ka Haku, Ka Makua Mana Loa
*239 Ka Lani Ka Uku
240 Let There Be Peace on Earth / He Malu ke ao nei
241 Lord Jesus, We Will Sing (Leo: Waipi'o)
In Christ There is No East or West (Leo: Heʻeia)
243 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
244 You Have Looked Upon the Lowly (Leo: :Aloha no au i ko maka)
250 Hawai'iAloha
251 Hawai'i Pono'i
255 The Church's One Foundation
256 'O Iesü ka Pöhaku Kumu o ke Kihi (Leo: Cornerstone)
260 Imua, You Have God's Blessing (Leo: Hilo Hanakahi)
261 May We All One Body Be (Leo: Nani Kaua'i)
Now Gathered Here (Leo: Moani ke
ʻala o nā pua makahikina)
263 O Jesus Joy of Loving Hearts
(Leo: Ku'uipo i ka He'e Pu'e one)
264 Pömaika'i Au /An Upper Room
265 Rise in Splendor (Leo: Wai'alae)
*266 Song of the Body of Christ (Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
There is But One Body (Leo: Hoʻonanea)
269 Ua Mau / Everlasting
270 We are God's Own People (Leo: Wehiwehi
We Who See and Love Our Lord (Leo:
272 What is This Place (Leo: He aha këia kahi?) 281
Aloha E
Malia (Andante) Mondoy 2007
281 Aloha
E Malia ('Auana) Mondoy 2007 284
E Hoku O Ke Kai
Mondoy 2005 285 Aloha 'Oe, E Maria (Puga)
286 Aloha 'Oe, E Malia (Zane)
287 Makuahine o Ku'u Ali'i
*288 My Hawaiian Madonna
Nani ke 'Älohilohi
'O Malia Ke Kumu (Lira
Katolika #59)
By All Your Saints Still Striving (Leo: Mauna Kea)
291 Damien the Blessed
292 Kamiano
293 Kamiano Aloha [St. Damien] versions A,B,C 294
The Heart of Damien
295 A Faithful Son of Sacred Hearts 296
Helio 297 Blessed Mother Marianne (Saint Marianne) 298
Maliana Maikaʻi St.
Marianne (Mele & ʻAuana) 300 E Ka Puʻuwai
[Sacred Hearts] Aluli 305
A Just Man Honored From Above (Iosepa Hemolele) 306 Iokepa
[St. Joseph] Aluli 309 Ltany of the Saints
(Hawaiian Chant) 310 Canticle of Simeon (Leo No ke Ano
312 Hele Mai E Nā Luhi
313 Nearer My God to Thee 314 Lord You Died That All Might Live (Leo: Ka
Makani Kaʻili Aloha) 315 Song of Farewell: Aloha ʻOe
316 Song of Farewell "May the Angels Lead you into Paradise" ( Nomipaʻa)
317 Song of Farewell "Saints of God" (Sāneta)
318 Song of Farewell "May the Choirs of Angels" (Leo: No ke
Ano Ahiahi)
319 Song of Farewell "May the Angels and the Saints"
(Leo: No ke Ano Ahiahi)
320 Song of Farewell
"Loving God" (Leo: No ke Ano
* songs not included yet in the 2015

(in alphabetical order)
* songs not included yet in the
2015 edition
180 Aia
Ho˙i E Ho'omaika˙i
Glory, Praise and Honor (Leo: Nä Lälälä˙au)
*165 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
170 All Things Bright and Beautiful (Leo: Pupu
235 Aloha Au Kou Aupuni
280 Aloha
E Malia (2022|Mondoy) Hail Mary
286 Aloha ˙Oe, E Malia (Zane)
285 Aloha ˙Oe, E Maria (Puga)
195 Amazing Grace
At the Name of Jesus (Leo: Ka Moaʻe)
*106 Away in the Manger
He Kapu Hänai
*135 Because He Lives / No kona ola ana
*290 By All Your Saints Still Striving (Leo: Mauna Kea)
295 Canticle of Simeon (Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
Canticle of Zechariah
(Leo: Pua Lililehua)
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
(Leo: Molokaʻi Nui a
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
(Leo: Nā Hala o Naue)
160 Christians, Let Us Love One Another (Leo: Pulupe Nei
˙Ili i ke Anu)
Come, Holy Spirit / Mai 'Uhane Hemolele
101 Comfort, Comfort O My People (Leo: P oli Pumehana)
291 Damien the Blessed
*225 E Hahai Ho'i I Ke Ala o Ke Aloha (Follow the Way of
Love) 107 E
Aloha E (Enomoto-Fujimoto)
236 E Na Lima Hana
226 'Ekolu Mea Nui
For A Peaceful World
196 God is Always Kind and Righteous (Leo: Ua Like No a
182 God is Light (Leo: Pua Mohala)
197 God is My Strong Salvation (Leo: Mauna Kea)
Is Love (Leo: O Makalapua)
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise Leo: Nā Hala o Naue)
*108 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing / Hämau ˙E Nä Känaka
250 Hawai˙i Aloha
*251 Hawai˙i Pono˙i
212 He Touched Me / Pa˙a ka mea kaumaha
*296 Hele Mai E Nä Luhi
171 Ho˙omaika˙i
*183 Ho˙onani i ka Makua Mau
*155 Holy, Holy, Holy / He Hemolele ˙Oe
198 How Good the Name of Jesus Sounds (Leo: Aloha no au i kö
199 How Great Thou Art/Ke
Akua Mana e
*200 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
228 I Love You, Lord / Aloha Ke Akua
I Nä Pu'uwai Ho'ana
138 I Will Sing of the Lord
(Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
220 Iesü me ke Kanaka Waiwai
221 Iesü nö ke Kahuhipa
260 Imua, You Have God's Blessing (Leo: Hilo Hanakahi)
242 In Christ There is No
East or West (Leo: He˙eia)
In Heavenly Love Abiding (Leo: Kalena Kai)
*210 In Moments Like These / He Mele Aloha
*211 In the Garden / Do You Know?
the Lord's Atoning Grief (Leo: Ka˙eha˙eha)
292 Iokepa
*109 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear / He Pö La˙la˙e
151 ˙Uhane Hemolele / Come, O Holy Spirit (Veni Sancte
139 Jesus Christ is Risen Today
*110 Joy to the World / Pömaika˙i Wale Kö Ke Ao
*238 Ka Haku, Ka Makua Mana Loa
*239 Ka Lani Ka Uku
201 Lead, Kindly Light (Leo: Old Plantation)
*240 Let There Be Peace on Earth / He Malu ke ao nei
*293 Litany of the Saints [Hawaiian Chant] *111 Little
Drummer Boy / Kono ˙Ia Mai Au
120 Lord, From the Depths I Cry to You (Leo: Na wahi hohonu)
241 Lord Jesus, We Will Sing (Leo: Waipi˙o)
298 Lord You Died That All Might Live (Leo: Ka makani ka˙ili
*184 Majesty / Mo˙i e
287 Makuahine o Ku˙u Ali˙i
261 May We All One Body Be (Leo: Nani Kau`˙i)
*243 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
My Hawaiian Madonna (formerly 288)
Nalowale 'Oe / God with Hidden Majesty
Nani Ke Li'i ki'eki'e
Nani ke ˙Älohilohi
*185 Nani nä Mea i Ha˙i ia Mai /Glorious Things of You Are Spoken
*297 Nearer My God to Thee
262 Now Gathered Here (Leo: Moani ke ˙ala o nä pua
Nü 'Oli
186 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Leo: Ku˙u lei momi)
*115 O Come, All Ye Faithful / E Hele Mai ˙Oukou Ka Po˙e Manaö'ī'ö
*116 O Holy Night / Pö Hemolele
256 ˙O Iesü ka Pöhaku Kumu o ke Kihi (Leo:
263 O Jesus Joy of Loving Hearts
(Leo: Ku˙uipo i ka He˙e
Pu˙e one)
230 ʻO
Kou Aloha Nō
(Leo: The Queens Prayer)
*117 O Little Town of Bethlehem / Betelehema Iki Ë
187 O Sing With Us the Loving Power of God (Leo: Pu˙uanahulu)
O Wide, Embracing,
Wondrous Love (Leo: Kuʻu waʻa Liʻiliʻi)
*213 One God / Miliona hoku
264 Pömaika˙i Au /An Upper Room
166 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Leo: Pua Carnation)
Praise, O Zion
Praise the Lord of Heaven (Leo: Ka Moaʻe)
Praise the Lord of Heaven (Leo: Nani wale
Praise We All the King of Glory / Eia i Hele
265 Rise in Splendor (Leo: Wai˙alae)
Savior, Your Dying Love
*118 Silent Night, Holy Night / Pö La˙i Ë
174 Sing All Gods Creation (Leo: Ahe Lau Makani)
188 Sing Praise to Our God (Leo: Pälolo)
299 Song of Commendation: Aloha ˙Oe
303 Song of Farewell "May the Angels and the Saints"
Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
320 Song of Farewell "Loving God" Leo: No ke ano
302 Song of Farewell "May the Choirs of Angels" Leo:
No ke ano ahiahi)
301 Song of Farewell "Saints of God" (Säneta)
300 Song of Farewell "May the Angels Lead you into
Paradise" ( Nomipa˙a)
*266 Song of the Body of Christ (Leo: No ke ano ahiahi)
Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord
(Leo: ʻImi
Au i\āä ʻOe)
119 The Age of Expectation (Leo: Ka Mana'olana)
*255 The Church's One Foundation
*113 The Friendly Beasts
There is but One Body (Leo: Ho˙onanea)
121 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (Leo: Laulaha)
269 Ua Mau / Everlasting
'Uhane Hemolele / Come, O Holy Spirit
(Veni Sancte Spiritus)
270 We are God's Own People
(Leo: Wehiwehi ˙oe)
We Who See and Love Our
Lord (Leo: ʻĀinahau)
*214 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
272 What is This Place (Leo: He aha këia kahi?)
What Wondrous Love
129 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Where Kindly Love Dwell (Leo: ˙Akahi Ho˙i)
244 You Have Looked Upon the Lowly (Leo: :Aloha no au i ko
* songs not included yet in the 2015 edition