St. John Vianney Music Ministry: 
Holy week Menu Overview /Burgundy Folder /Soundclips  Date this page was last edited: Friday, 08 March 2024

Holy Week Burgundy/Brown FolderGo to Mondoy Music Web Page Index (at the left) GO to HOME PAGE     GO to SJV Parish Website  
Passion Sunday Holy Thursday
Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday
click on any of the days above 
Downloadable Music pdf packs: Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Songs Anthems

Passion (Palm) Sunday at St. John Vianney   General Order of Music

I. Blessing of the Palms and Procession
Opening Antiphon [outdoors]
Year '04 '06 '08 '10 '13 '15 '17 '19 '21 '23 '25 '27  294 Hosanna to the Son of David Queenan  /song section of HW book / Assembly Card OK
Year '05 '07 '09 '11 '12 '14 '16 '18 '20 '22 '24 '26 '28 293 Hosanna Haas Study Link:  /song section of HW book / Assembly Card OK

Procession of the Palms "All Glory Praise and Honor"
Some years:  297 All Glory Praise & Honor Mondoy  /song section of HW book / Assembly Card OK
Years '05, '06, '07, '08, '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 '26 '27 '28 '29  295 All Glory Praise & Honor Queenan  /song section of HW book / Assembly Card OK

II. Liturgy of the Word
9:00 am  All years:  Psalm 22 "My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?" (Mondoy) P1
Other Masses:  All years:  Psalm 22 "My God, My God" (Haugen)  Study Link:  P2

Gospel Acclamation for this season
'04  SM   "Praise & honor to you. Lord Jesus Christ" (special verse) Mondoy
SM   "Praise to You, Lord Jesus, Christ"  Mesa Kahiko (special verse) Mondoy
'06  SM 86   "Lord, Give Us Sight" Mondoy
SM 91  "Glory to You, Word of God"  Missa Jah"  (note special verse "PS" on score) Mondoy
'08  SM new edition  "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ" (special verse) Mondoy
'09: SM   "Praise to You, Lord Jesus, Christ"  Mesa Kahiko (special verse) Mondoy
'10 SM "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ" Paschal Mystery Mass Mondoy
'11 SM 91 "Glory to You, Word of God" Missa Jah Mondoy
'12 SM "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ" (special verse) Mondoy
'13 SM 96a  "Glory to You, Word of God" Worthy to Stand in Your Presence Mondoy
'14 SM 94a  "Glory & Prasie to You, Lord Jesus Christ" Fullness of Faith Mass
'15: SM   "Praise to You, Lord Jesus, Christ"  Mesa Kahiko (special verse) Mondoy
'16  SM 89  edition [030816] "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ" Paschal Mystery.Mondoy Vrs. 16
'17  SM 91 Gospel Acclamation: Missa Jah GPTYLJC Vrs 15
'18  SM 94b  Gospel Acclamation for Lent Vrs. 15
19  SM 82.PS  Gospel Acclamation for Lent Vrs PS (7)
'20 SM 86
'21 SM 85
'22 SM 86 "Lord Give Us Sight" Mondoy
'23 SM 85

'24 SM 92 "PTYLJC" Gospel Acclamation from "Mesa Kahiko"

2020 No HWeek at all=Covid shutdown
2021, 2022: All recited
'02 '05 '08 '11 '14 '17 '20 '23  Matthew Passion: SUNG @ 9:00 am  [St. Matthew [*Mondoy 1993] (go listen on the CD or go: score in Blue Passion Book, P 3
                   Other Masses: PROCLAIMED [St. Matthew] use intermittently 300 Passion Meditative Response Blue Passion Book, P 3A
'03 '06 '09 '12 '15 '18 '21 '24 '27 Passion: PROCLAIMED [St. Mark] use intermittently 298 Passion Meditative Response Blue Passion Book, P 3B
'04 '07 '10 '13 ʻ16 '19 '22 '25 '28  Passion: PROCLAIMED [St. Luke] use intermittently 299 Passion Meditative Response Blue Passion Book, P 3C
'05 '08 '11 '14 '17 ʻ20 '23 '26 '29 Passion: PROCLAIMED [St. Matthew] use intermittently 300 Passion Meditative Response Blue Passion Book, P 3A
(Another non-choir version, using Passion Meditative Responses 298 or 299 or 300 or 301 or 172)

rarely used at 9am: Dismissal of the Catechumenate SM 107.3 hw
III. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts   Song numbered song section of HW book
    '09, '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 ʻ19  Anthem Section: "Take Up Your Cross" Haas  '05 '06 '23: 9am 319 O Sacred Head Surrounded    '05 '06 non 9am, '22:  322 They Crucified My Lord    '07 '18 317 Lord Christ When First   '08 '16 '20 166 Lord of the Dance '15 '17 '24  302 Ride On, Jesus, Ride
Eucharistic Acclamations of the Season [SJV: Fullness of Faith] RM 124-424
    Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology Chant RM 500
Lamb of God of the season RM 627
Communion Procession Song numbered song section of  HW book
    '10 '11 '12 '14 '17 '20 '23: 210 We Remember  '05 '06,'08, '09 '13 '15 '18 '24: 173 On Eagle's Wings  '07 '16  '19 '22  98 Table Song
Dismissal Dialogue for Lent [Hansen RM 702]
Leavetaking Song or  '05 '06, '07, '08, '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20:   No closing song (with an instrumental "recessional"  295 All Glory Praise and Honor)

Holy Thursday at St. John Vianney   General Order of Music  

I. Reception of the Oils/ Glory to God
'12 onwards  We Should Glory In The Cross T4   T5a for presider  T numbers to change here ask Calvin

Reception of the Oils "Behold.." T2       T2 for presider
& Glory to God Lee RM 27.1) T5a 

II. Liturgy of the Word

T6  ' 84-'09 '11 '13 '15 '17 '19 '21 '23 '25 '27 Psalm 116.1 "Our Blessing Cup" .
T7 '10 '12 '14 '16 '18 '20 '22 '24  T7 Psalm 116.4 "Our Blessing Cup""
T8 Gospel Acclamation for Holy Thursday (Mondoy)

III. Washing of the Feet
Song during the Washing of the Feet numbered song section of HW book
'00 '04 '11 '16 '23: 309 TablePrayer Oosterhuis     '01 '06 '09 '14 '17  305 For His Great Love Gelineau   '07 '13 '22 306 Friendship Hymn 
'02 '08 '12 '15 '20 '24 308 Song of the Lord's Supper Joncas  or  '05 '10 '18 '19    In Remembrance of You Tate; in the Anthem Section 
Tchoices include 305, 306, 307, 308, 309 [one song
or a combination of song(s)

IV. Liturgy of the Eucharist
'04 '05 '06, '07, '08, '09, '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 ʻ19 '20 '21: General Intercessions SM 109.1 Byzantine
Preparation of the Gifts Song numbered song section of HW book
'04: 307 Jesus Took A Towel  '05  '09 '12 '13 '18  '22 174 One Bread One Body Foley  '06 '11 '17: 308 Song of the Lord's Supper Joncas   '07 '10 '16 23 209 We Have Been Told Haas  '08 309 TablePrayer Oosterhuis '13 '19 Anthem Section Ubi Caritas Mondoy '14 '24 477 In Remembrance of You Tate  Loose In Remembrance of Me Tate '15 Anthem Section God So Loved the World Englert

Eucharistic Acclamations of the Season [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass, RM 117, 217, 317, 417]   Paschal Mystery Mass for presider
      Sung Eucharistic Prayer by Presider up 'til 2011, no thanks to the Roman Missal

Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 517, 517d
Lamb of God of the season  [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 617
Communion Procession Song numbered song section of HW book
 '04, '05 '06, 07, '08 '10 '11 '12 '14 '16 '17 '18 '22 '23: 171 Now In This Banquet  '09 '13 '15 '19 '21 '24 210 We Remember
Communion Meditation Anthem Anthem section/end of this HW book

Procession to the Garden
"Worthy is the Lamb" (Dufford) 310 song section of HW book
Incensing of the Blessed Sacrament "Tantum Ergo" Last verses only:   at 1:56"

Final Meditation Anthem Anthem section of HW book (none for 2023)
Tchoices include  '02 '13 Panis Angelicus (Franck),   '00 '03 '06 '10 '15 Panis Angelicus (Lambillotte),  '01 '04 '09 '16 When Jesus Wept (Billings) Study Link:   '05 '07 '12 God so Loved the World (Englert)  In Remembrance on You (Tate)
'17 '18 '19 '20 Prayer in the Garden with Jesus (chant) (Mondoy) '20 '22,  Prayer in the Garden with Jesus (hymn) (Mondoy)  '08 '11 Ubi Caritas Mondoy  '14 Quid Retribuam Ravanello  (These are removeable/replaceable cardstock sheets) 2021: NO PROCESSIONS

remove from Anthems section for use after the procession. Please memorize (sometimes)!

Good Friday at St. John Vianney   General Order of Music  please note that some items are for specific services  

I. Liturgy of the Word  Gathering in Silence please be unusually quiet when preparing/being seated
3:00 p.m.  F2  Responsorial Psalm 31 "Father, I Put My Life in Your Hands" (Mondoy)
7:00 p.m. 
F1  Responsorial
Psalm 31 "I Put My Life in Your Hands"
(Haugen) F1
                 F3  Gospel Acclamation for Good Friday (Mondoy)

3:00 p.m. The Passion Blue Passions Book F5 [ St. John's Passion / Mondoy]              
7:00 p.m.
St. John's Passion  Blue Passions Book F4 ["The Little" / Osuna(?)/Mondoy]   [2021, 2022: all recited]

BOTH Passions found on CD's in Sacristy or online (see above links) , BOTH Passions' scores in Special Blue Passions Book

Dismissal of the Catechumenate SM 107.3 hw (not used)

The Intercessions of Good Friday (311)  and Exposition of the Cross 311 / song section of HW book 311b Behold the Wood Version ONE (Mondoy)   311c  Behold the Wood Version TWO (Schutte)    

II. Veneration of the Cross
3:00 p.m. The Reproaches (Mondoy) assigned soloists for verses 313
/song section of  HW book
7:00 p.m.
The Reproaches (Queenan) assigned soloists for verses 312
/song section of  HW book

Other songs, as needed numbered song/end of this HW book choices include Nos. 279, 292, 314 Ah, Holy Jesus to 326 Anthem: Take Up Your Cross Haas
3:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (as needed:)  323 Tree of Life  Anthem: Take Up Your Cross   315 Jesus,  Remember Me
322 They Crucified My Lord  324 Where You There

III. Holy Communion
Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology included in this section
Communion Procession
Song numbered song section of HW book
 '04, '05 '06, '07, '08, '09, '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19 '23;  172 Now We Remain '22 315 Jesus Remember Me
Communion Meditation Song numbered song section of HW book '04: 322 They Crucified My Lord '05:  323 Tree of Life Haugen
'06, '07, '08, '09, '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19 '21                        (3:00 p.m. 322 They Crucified My Lord) 
'06, '07, '08, '09, '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19 '21 '22, '23           7:00 p.m. 324 Were You There

Final Prayer & Prayer over the People/Silent Departure please be unusually quiet when leaving

Easter Vigil at St. John Vianney   General Order of Music 

I. The Service of Light meet outdoors
329 The Light of Christ (Fishel, Luebering / temp. remove from your song section of HW Book
The Exultet (Chant, Roman Missal)  V1     The Exultet (Frese) V1 until 2011

II. Liturgy of the Word order: Presider introduction | Scripture Proclamation | Silence | *Psalm | Presider prayer | Choral Amen
Arrange Psalms as per this year's menu  '05 '07 '09 '11 '13 '15 '17 '19 '21 '23 : Psalm 16.1 "Keep Me Safe"V3 Mondoy  '04'06 '08 '14 '18 '20 '22 Psalm 8 '"Great Is Your Name, Lord" V2a [Koali] Mondoy
'10 Psalm 33 "The Earth Is Full" Mondoy
V2b  '12 '16 '18 '20  Psalm 104.2 Breathe Forth Your Spirit Mondoy V2c
       Exodus 15 "I Will Sing to the Lord" Mondoy V4
Isaiah 12.2 "You Will Draw Water" Mondoy  V6
At the end of prayer:
Glory to God RM 27.1 Lee V9a   
"Gloria" intone by presider
Prayer, then Epistle, then Presider intones "Alleluia" once; choir and assembly respond with   
"Alleluia" intone by Presider
 Psalm 118 "Alleluia! Give thanks to the Lord" Mondoy/Liu V10

III. Liturgy of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation V11- V15 in this section
# Litany of the Saints  '04-'13-'18 '22,'23:  SM 100.2 
'19 SM 100.0 (minor key)
#a Blessing of the Baptismal Water V11     used throughout: 4-part Choir "Amen" (Chant)   form 3 "full and bright"
b Baptism V12       Baptism Acclamation (with verses)   
Baptism: Presider soundclips
c Renewal of Baptismal Vows (by Assembly) and Blessing with Holy Water V13 
Baptismal Vows: Presider soundclps
d Lighted Candle & Confirmation V14  
Confirmation: Presider soundclips
#e General Intercessions V15

IV. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts Song numbered song section of HW book
'04 -'18:  335 Christ the Lord is Risen Today Moloka'i Nui a Hina   
'19 '20 '22 '23:   344 Jesus Christ is Risen Today [Easter Hymn]    if needed: 342 God Is Alive                               
V 17 Eucharistic Acclamations of the Season [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass, RM 117, 217, 317, 417    Paschal Mystery Mass for presider
 Sung Eucharistic Prayer by Presider up 'til 2011, no thanks to the Roman Missal
Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 517, 517d
Lamb of God of the season  [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 617
Communion Procession Song numbered song section of HW book
'15-'18 '29, '20, '22, '23   351 Alleluia, The Strife is O'er 
'15- '18, '19, '20 '22 '23   337 Christ the Lord is Risen Today [Llanfair]
'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13'14 :  353 This is the Feast of Victory
V16 Dismissal Dialogue for Easter Season (
RM 703)   Dismissal Dialogue: Deacon / Presider
Leavetaking Song numbered song section of this HW book
'04 '05 '06, '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13-'18:   344 Jesus Christ is Risen Today [Easter Hymn]   '19 '20, '22, '23:  335 Christ the Lord is Risen Today Moloka'i Nui a Hina 

Easter Sunday at St. John Vianney   General Order of Music 
  Easter Canticle Worthy is the Lamb Mondoy
Glory to God Lee

I. Liturgy of the Word
E5   Psalm 118 "This is the Day the Lord has made" (Mondoy)   YouTube:
E Easter Sequence
[Sequence for Easter Sunday] (Mondoy)
E7  Gospel Acclamation for this season (SM 54: Mondoy)
Dismissal of the Catechumenate, if needed (SM 102.4) E8, not used
E9  Renewal of Baptismal Vows (by Assembly) and Blessing with Holy Water
Baptismal Vows: Presider soundclps

II. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts Song numbered song section of HW book
'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19 '22 ;23:  340 Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain

Eucharistic Acclamations of the Season [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass, RM 117, 217, 317, 417   Paschal Mystery Mass for presider
Lord's Prayer/Final Doxology [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 517, 517d
Lamb of God of the season  [SJV: Paschal Mystery Mass RM 617
Communion Procession Song numbered song section of HW book
'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19 '22 '23   349 Sing of Christ, Proclaim His Glory plus the 2 below
'23        344 Jesus Christ is Risen Today [Easter Hymn]
'23        351 Alleluia, The Strife is O'er, if needed                
E12 Dismissal Dialogue for Easter Season
(RM 703)  Dismissal Dialogue: Deacon / Presider
Leavetaking Song numbered song section of this HW book
 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13-'18 '19    336 Christ the Lord is Risen Today Nā Hala o Naue  | and as end-of-mass instrumental:

Christ is risen, Christ is truly risen!!