SM 2 Blessing & Sprinkling of Water Mondoy 1998 Light
of the Nations mffrdrm SM 2b Thanksgiving over Blessed Water &
Sprinkling Mondoy 1996 Light of the Nations dddrmr
SM 4 Call to Worship
[Lent] Hansen, 1978 lmmms SM 4.2 Rite of the Reception of the Oils [HT]
after Hansen, 1978 lmmms SM 4.3 Rite of the Reception of the Oils [HT]
Mondoy, after Dvorsak 1988 dslssfm SM 4.3z Rite of the Reception of the
Oils [HT] Mondoy, after Dvorsak, "wordy" dslssfm SM 4.4 Rite of the
Reception of the Oils [HT] Dvorsak, 1988 dslsfmfs SM 5 Kyrie [Lent]
Missa de angelis, 16th cent. dmfssl SM 6 Kyrie [Lent; chant] Chant,
11th -13th cent. drmmdr SM 7H E Ka Haku E [Lent] Mondoy, 1984 Honolulu
Mass sssldd SM 7K Kyrie [Ordinary Time] Mondoy, 1998 Light of the
Nations ddrtd
SM (RM) 7L Penitential Rite, Lent Mondoy, 1996, 2012 Light of
the Nations llmmrm SM 7LP Litany of Praise for God's Mercy Mondoy, 1998
Light of the Nations sdrmrl SM 7N E Ka Haku E [Lent] Mondoy, 1977 Hana
Mass ddrrll SM 7S Sprinkling Rite, Hawaiian Mondoy, 1997 Molokai Mass
mfssld SM 9a Penitential Rite [Lent] Hansen, 1978 SM 9b Penitential
Hymn [Lent] Conry, 1978 tddrdt SM 9c Penitential Rite [Lent]"Good is
the Lord" Mondoy, 1983 dddtlt SM 10a Penitential Rite [Lent] Mondoy,
1983 SM 11 Litany of Praise [Ordinary] To compose SM 13.1 Litany for
All Saints Day [Hawaiian] Mondoy, 1995 SM 13.2 Litany for All Saints
Day [Chant] Chant. Arr. rmm SM 16 RCIA Acceptance/Signing of the Senses
Haas, 1988 SM 16c RCIA Acceptance/Signing of the Senses/Children Haas,
1988 SM 17 RCIA Signing of the Senses To compose RM 27.1 Gloria
[Congregational Mass] Lee, 1970, arr. R.M. 2011 sldtsl SM 27.2 Gloria
[New Plainsong] David hurd, 1980 sslsmdrm RM 27.3 Glory to God Bob
Hurd, 1999, arr. R.M. 2012 rmfsfmr RM 27.4 Glory to God [ICEL Psalter
Chant] Howard Hughes SM 1992 Tone 2 icel rmm'09 sltl,ltdt RM 27.5 Glory
to God [ICEL Psalter Chant] Howard Hughes SM 1992 Tone 2 icel rmm'09
sltl,ltdt SM 27.6 Glory to God [Hawaiian Chant] SM 28.1 Gloria [A
Community Mass] Proulx, 1970 rldtlsl SM 29.1 Gloria [Missa de Angelis]
Chant ssmrdrm
RM 30b Christmas Gloria Laginya 1986, 2011
Orchestra Listen SM 30.h2
Nani i ke Akua [Hana Mass] Mondoy , 1976, 2012 mmssfm SM 30.h6 Nani i
ke Akua [Honolulu Mass] Mondoy, 1984 sdsdmlf SM 31 Glory to God [Foley]
Foley 1978 sdsdrsrf
RM 31 Glory to God [Ricky Manolo CSP] Manolo 2011
smrdrmf SM 32 St. Augustine Gloria Walker 1985 lltddrm SM 33 Glory
to God [Jones] Jones 1981 ldrmsfm SM 34 Glory to God [Paschal
mystery;Dahl] Dahl 1981 dsldrmf SM 35 Glory to God [Light of Nations]
Mondoy, 1998 dtdrmrm SM 36 Glory to God [Mass of the Bells] Peloquin
,1972 smrdrmr SM 37 Glory to God [Psallite Mass] Joncas 1988, mrmmrm
SM 38 Easter Canticle [Light of Nations] Mondoy, 1997 sdrlsfs SM 39a
Glory to God [Mass of Light] Haas, 1988 mfssmsrm SM 39b Glory to God
[Jesus, Compassion of God] Haas, 1999 mfssmsmrd SM 40.1 Easter Sequence
Mondoy, 1989 (old SM 45) mmldtl SM 40.2 Sequence for Pentecost
Scagnelli 1983 SM 40.3 Pentecost Sequence "Veni Sancte Spiritus" Taizé,
1979 ddddrrr SM 40.4 Body & Blood Sequence to compose SM 50a
Alleluia [major mode ] Gregorian Chant drmdrm SM 50b Alleluia [O Filii
& Filiae] Gregorian Chant lltlsl SM 50c Alleluia Robert E. Twynham,
1964 WLP dddssl SM 50d Alleluia Diess 1965 mslsld SM 50e Alleluia
Vermulst 1980 ddssls SM 51a Alleluia James Garrish, 1971 WLP mmfsmd
SM 51b Alleluia Robert E. Twynham, 1958, 1964 WLP ddrmrd SM 52 Alleluia
Mondoy 1978, rev lldrmd SM 53 Alleluia [Paschal Mystery] Mondoy 1978,
rev sdtlsf
SM 54 Alleluia [Paschal Mystery] Mondoy 1978, rev dsldrm
Orchestra Listen
SM 55a Alleluia Mondoy 1979 ssddld SM 55b Alleluia Mondoy 1978 ddtddd
SM 55c Alleluia Mondoy 1983 sslsss SM 56 Yes, Lord, Alleluia Yes
Gilsdorf 1975 mdssld SM 57a Alleluia! We will hear Wise smdlsf SM
57b Alleluia! I have come Wise 1975 mfslss SM 58 Advent Gospel
Acclamation Haas 1986 lsllslt SM 59 G. A.: "Word of Truth & Life" [Mass
of Creation] Haugen 1984 mrmmr
SM 60 Celtic Alleluia O'Carroll & W.1985
sddrmrd SM 61 Gospel Acclamation Mondoy
SM 62 Gospel Acclamation
[Mesa Kahiko] Mondoy,1992 ssmlss SM 62h Gospel Acclamation [Mesa
Kahiko] Mondoy, 1992 ssmlss SM 63 Gospel Acclamation Mondoy , 1993
drmddmsfm SM 64 Gospel Acclamation [Triumphant Cross] Mondoy, 1998
SM 68 Gospel Acclamation [Molokai Mass] Mondoy, 1994 mrdm
Listen Orchestra
70a Gospel Acclamation [5 Contemporary Aeolian Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 4
votes dssl
SM 70b
Gospel Acclamation
[5 Cont. Aeolian]
Mondoy , 2004 4 votes ltlmsm
Listen Orchestra Fl Ob
Cl Hrn Trp Vln Vla Vcl
SM 70c Gospel Acclamation [5 Contemporary
Aeolian Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 5 votes ltdmr
SM 70d Gospel
Acclamation [5 Contemporary Aeolian Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 6 votes
SM 70e Gospel Acclamation [5 Contemporary Aeolian Alleluias]
Mondoy , 2004 6 votes mltdtd
SM 71 Gospel Acclamation [Light of the
Nations] Mondoy, 1998 drmrdr
SM 72 Gospel Acclamation [Missa Jah]
Mondoy, 2001 smlas
SM 74a Gospel Acclamation [3 Characteristic
Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 6 votes ssfmdmf SM 74b Gospel Acclamation [3
Characteristic Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 8 votes drmssdtls
SM 74c Gospel
Acclamation [3 Characteristic Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 0 votes mfssd
Listen Orchestra
75a Gospel Acclamation [Daily Eucharist] Mondoy, 1996 drmsls SM 75b
Gospel Acclamation [Daily Eucharist] Mondoy, 1996 drmsrm SM 75c Glory &
Praise to You, LJC Mondoy, 1996 slsfmr SM 75d Praise to You, LJCKofEG
Mondoy, 1996 mrdmsfm SM 75e Gospel Acclamation, Easter Ssn Mondoy, 1996
fmrdls SM 76a Gospel Acclamation [4 Contemporary Ionian Alleluias]
Mondoy , 2004 11 votes mssfslsr
Orchestra Listen
SM 76b Gospel Acclamation [4
Contemporary Ionian Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 9 votes drmffmrm
SM 76c
Gospel Acclamation [4 Contemporary Ionian Alleluias] Mondoy , 2004 8 votes
SM 76d Gospel Acclamation [4 Contemporary Ionian Alleluias]
Mondoy , 2004 7 votes sdrmsldd
SM 76e
Gospel Acclamation [Worthy to
Stand in Your Presence] mondoy, 2012 msfmfr
Orchestra Listen SM 77a Gospel Acclamation
[Mass of Light] Haas, 1988 ldrmsfrm SM 77c Gospel Acclamation [Jesus,
Compassion of God] Haas, 1999 msfmfmd
SM 78 Halle, Halle, Halle
Caribbean Trad. ssmfss SM 80 Praise to You, LJCKofEG Mondoy, 1978, rev
lllsld SM 81 Praise to You, LJC,KofEG Mondoy, 1978, rev drmlsm SM 82
Glory & Praise to You LJC Mondoy, 1978, rev dmsfmf SM 83 Glory to you,
Word of God, LJC Mondoy, 1981 llltdt SM 84 Praise to You, LJC,KofEG
Toolen 1978 llddtd SM 85 Praise to You, LJC,KofEG [Light of the
Nations] Mondoy, 1979, rev mmmfrr
SM 86 Lord, Give Us Sight [Triumphant
Cross] Mondoy, 1983 ssfmfs SM 87 Glory to You, Word of God, LJC Mondoy,
2000 sttdldr SM 88 Glory & Praise to You LJC[Paschal Mystery] Mondoy,
1983 mssdrm SM 89 Praise to You, LJC,KofEG Mondoy, 2000 mmmmls SM 90
Praise to You, LJC,KofEG Beethoven, arR. J. Olivier, Mondoy mmrff
SM 91
Glory & Praise (Missah Jah) Mondoy, 2002 mlmfsf
SM 92 Praise to You,
LJC,KofEG [Mesa Kahiko] Mondoy 1989 ldllmr SM 92h Praise to You,
LJC,KofEG [Mesa Kahiko] Mondoy 1989 ldllmr
SM 94a
Glory & Praise to You, LJC [Fullness of Faith] Mondoy, 2013
mlsltm |SM
94b Praise to You LJC [Fullness of Faith] MOndoy, 2013
drmrsfm SM 96a Glory to You, Word of
God, LJC [Worthy] Mondoy, 2012 mflss SM 97a Music for Dedication of a
Church [Set A] Mondoy 2006 See 107.5 SM 98c Christmas Proclamation of
the Birth of Christ SM 98e Epiphany Proclamation of the date of Easter
SM 99.1a Chrism Oils [Processional] Dvorsak, 1984 dslsfmfs SM 99.1b
Chrism Oils [Recessional] Dvorsak, 1984 dslsfmfs SM 99.2 Litany of the
Holy Patrons [Chrism Mass] Mondoy, after Dvorsak 1988 dslssfm SM 99f
Exultet Frese, 1979 sdddss SM 99s Exultet Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 175
slddtdrd SM 99w Exultet Walker SM 100.1 Litany of Saints (minor)
Sacramentary ,arr RMM old SM 100a SM 100.2 Litany of Saints (major)
Sacramentary (old) old SM 100b SM 100.3 Litany of Saints Collier, OSB
1983 old SM 101 SM 100.4 Litany of Saints, Hawaiian Vigil Mondoy, 1995
old SM 102v SM 100.5 Litany of Saints, Hawaiian Baptisms Mondoy, 1995
old SM 102b SM 100.6 Litany of Saints, Hawaiian Ordinations Mondoy,
1995 old SM 102d SM 100.7 Litany of Saints, Hawaiian Ordinary Mondoy,
1995 old SM 102o [also see SM 13] SM 100.8a Litany of Saints. Adpted
for Hawai'i Becker, 1987, arr. rmm dddd SM 100.8b Litany of Saints.
[Original] Becker, 1987 dddd SM 101.1 Rite of Sending Forth [1st Lent]
old SM 106.1 (Rite of Acceptance = SM 16, 17) SM 101.2 Rite of Election
[Diocesan] old SM 106.2
SM 101.3-5
The Scrutinies for 3,4,5, Lent SHort_Tutti SM 101.3 The First Scrutiny/Creed [3rd Lent]
old SM 106.3 SM 101.4 The Second Scrutiny/Exorcism [4th Lent] old SM
106.4 SM 101.5 The Third Scrutiny/Lord's Prayer [5th Lent] old SM 106.5
SM 102.1 Blessing over the Catechumens [all seasons] Mondoy old SM 107b
SM 102.2 Dismissal of the Catechumens [year round] Mondoy/ "Light of the
Nations Mass"1996 old SM 107o mssltd SM 102.2E Dismissal of the
Catechumens [Easter Season] Mondoy/ after "Light of the Nations Mass"1996
mssltd SM 102.3 Dismissal of the Catechumens [year round] Mondoy after
Haas old SM 107c SM 102.3HWDismissal of the Catechumens [HWeek] Mondoy
after Haas
SM 102.3L Dismissal of the Catechumens [Lent] Mondoy after
Listen Orchestra SM 102.4 Dismissal of the Catechumens [Easter season] Mondoy after
"Ye Sons & Daughters", 1997 old SM 107e SM 102.5 Dismissal of the
Catechumens [Hawaiian] Mondoy "Molokai Mass" old SM 107h ssmmm SM 102.7
Dismissal of the Catechumenate [music-less, for Lent, HW] defunct see SM
102.3HW SM 103 blank Commissioning Rites, various SM 103.1
Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers (annual) SM 105.1 Baptisms
[Easter Season] Mondoy, 1989. 1996old SM 105e. 106E 105.11 Invocation
of God over Baptismal Water Mondoy 1997 / Rites I 1990 #224 sssltlsd
105.11bw Blessing of Baptismal Water Mondoy 1988 / Sacr:Vigil ltddrt
105.12 Renewal Baptismal Promises Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr 105.13f Baptism
Formula Mondoy 1989 / based on "Alleluia" drmdrm 105.13v Sprinkling of
People "Lord our God" Mondoy 1999 verses to "Alleluia" dmsslsf 105.13p
Sprinkling of People "I Saw Water" Mondoy 1980 Ezechiel 47.1 ssddrrts
105.14gb Song: "Rejoice, you Newly Baptized"1 Hutchings, 1977 sdssfls
SM 105.1c Infant Baptisms [Easter Sunday] not req. Mondoy, 1989. 1996
SM 105.1r Young RCIA [Easter Sunday] not req. Mondoy, 1989. 1996 SM
105.2h Baptisms [Hawaiian; Ordinary] Mondoy, 1997 old SM 105h 105.2h1a
Thanksgiving over the Water [Hawaiian] Pomai Mondoy,1997 old SM 105h.1
sdmsfm 105.2h1b Thanksgiving over the Water [Hawaiian] Hoomai
Mondoy,1997 old SM 105h.1 sdmsfm 105.2h2 Renewal Baptismal Promises
Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr 105.2h3 Baptism Formula [Hawaiian] Mondoy,1997
sdmsfm 105.2h4a Acclamation for Baptism [Hawaiian] E hele Mondoy,1997
old SM 105h.2a mmfmd 105.2h4b Acclamation for Baptism [Hawaiian] O oe
Mondoy,1997 old SM 105h.2b ddlsmr SM 105.3 Baptisms [Ordinary] Mondoy,
1989,1998old SM 105o mslsfmr 105.31 Invocation of God over Baptismal
Water Mondoy 1997 / Rites I 1990 #224 sssltlsd 105.32 Renewal
Baptismal Promises Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr 105.33 Baptism Formula Mondoy
1995 / based on "Lilies of the Field" dlsdmrdm 105.34gb Song: "Rejoice,
you Newly Baptized"1 Hutchings, 1977 sdssfls 105.35bol Renewal of
Promises/Sprinkling (76d+105.13v) Mondoy , 2004 not "legal" for Ord Time
sdrmsldd SM 105.4 Baptisms/Confirmation RCIA Vigil Mondoy, 1989old SM
105v mslsfmr 105.41bw Blessing of Baptismal Water Mondoy 1988 /
Sacr:Vigil ltddrt 105.42 Renewal Baptismal Promises Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr
105.43 Baptism Formula Mondoy 1989 / based on "Alleluia" drmdrm 105.44
Renewal Baptismal Promises Assembly Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr 105.44v
Sprinkling of People "Lord our God" Mondoy 1999 verses to "Alleluia"
dmsslsf 105.44p Sprinkling of People "I Saw Water" Mondoy 1980 Psalm 42
ssddrrts 105.45gb Song: "Rejoice, you Newly Baptized"1 Hutchings, 1977
sdssfls 105.45 Confirmation Formula Mondoy 1989 / based on "Alleluia"
drmdrm SM 105.5 Baptisms [Light of the Nations] Mondoy, 1999 old SM 104
105.51 Invocation of God over Baptismal Water Mondoy 1997 / Rites I 1990
#224 sssltlsd 105.52 Renewal Baptismal Promises Mondoy 1989 mslsfmr
105.53 Baptism Formula Mondoy 1995 / based on "Lilies of the Field"
dlsdmrdm 105.54gb Song: "Rejoice, you Newly Baptized"2 Mondoy 1999
sddrmfs SM 105.6 Young RCIA [Ordinary Time] Mondoy, 1989, 1996 SM
106.1 Prof. of Faith (Nicene Creed) Mondoy, 1989 old SM 104a, 149b mslsfmr
SM 106.2 Prof. of Faith (Apostle's Creed) Mondoy, 1989 old SM 104n mslsfmr
SM 106.3 Baptismal Promises & Sprinkling Mondoy, 1989 old SM 104s, see
PaschalM105.1 mslsfmr SM 107 Ordination, Dedication of Church Rites
SM 107.1 Bishop (Installation, funeral)"Canticle after Titus" Mondoy, 1994
dddddfmd SM 107.2 Presbyter Ordination Ritual Pss 1102, 1006 Mondoy,
2006 SM 107.2b Presbyter Ordination Ritual John 12 Mondoy, 1995, 98
sfmrrd SM 107.2c Presbyter Ordination Conclusion Litany Mondoy, 2005
dtls SM 107.3 Diaconate Ordination Ritual Pss 843, 1457 Mondoy, 2006
SM 107.5 Dedication Church Ritual Pss CantTobis,138,Ez 47,Various Ant
Mondoy, 2006, various yrs SM 108.1 Rite of Commitment of (young)
Confirmandi SJV old SM 108cm SM 108.2 Enrollment of the (young)
Confirmandi SJV old SM 108ce SM 108.3 Confirmation in Mass [Ordinary
Time] SJV old SM 108c SM 108.4 Confirmation in Mass [Easter Season] SJV
old SM 108e SM 108.5 Rite of Full Communion Acceptance [Ordinary Time]
SJV old SM 108g SM 108.6 Rite of Full Communion Acceptance [Easter
Season] SJV old SM 108h SM 109.1 General Intercessions [Byzantine]
Byzantine old SM 109b drtd SM 109.2 General Intercessions [Paschal
Mystery] Mondoy, 1987 old SM 109c, SM 750 ltltfs SM 109.3 General
Intercessions [Hawaiian] Liu, 1995 old SM 109h mrdd
203-403 HHH Beethoven, Ruggerio, Mondoy mdsmds SM 210-410 H/MA/A
(Community Mass) Proulx, 1970
RM 110-410 H/MA/A (Community Mass) Proulx 1970, 2018
RM 111-411 H/MA/A (Mesa Kahiko) Mondoy,
RM 212-412 H/MA/A (Joyful People) Wagner, 1980, 2011 SM 213-413
H/MA/A (Mass of Creation) Haugen, 1987 lmtmd
114-414 PD/H/MA/A
(Triumphant Cross Mass) Mondoy, 1980, 2013 ddrmff SM 215-415 H/MA/A (St.
Louis Jesuits) Dufford, 1973 sdmrd SM 216-416 H/MA/A (Little Flower
Mass) Gora, 1998
RM 117-417 H/MA/A (Paschal Mystery Mass) Mondoy, 1989,
RM 118-418 H/MA/A (Molokai Mass) Mondoy, 1995 mrddrm
119-419 H/MA/A (Sing Praise & Thanksgiving) Joncas, 1989 mmrrsd
120-420 H/MA/A (Missa Gaudentia) Osuna, 1980 mrdrrr
RM 121-421 H/MA/A
(Light of the Nations) Mondoy, 1996 mmssdd
RM 222-422
H/MA/A (Missa
Jah) Mondoy, 1999 ssdrm written
RM 123-423 H/MA/A (Priestly People) Mondoy,
2002, 2014 mfssltd
RM 124-424
H/MA/A (Fullness of Faith) Mondoy, 2013, dmrslsm Ochestra Listen RM 225-425 H/MA/A (Daily Eucharist) Mondoy, 1995 mrddms
126-426 H/MA/A (Worthy To Stand in Your Precence)
Mondoy, 2012 msslr
Orchestra Listen
SM 228-428 H/MA/A (Keaukaha Mass I ) Camacho, 1980 SM 229-429 H/MA/A
(Mass of Light) Haas, 1988 ddtlsms SM 232-432 H/MA/A (Jesus, Compassion
of God) Haas, 1999 mfsrdff RM 500 Inv/LP/FD (minor) Sacramentary 1974,
pg 561-2 [arr. Peloquin] drrdrdl RM 501 Inv/LP/FD (major) Sacramentary
1974, pg1043 [arr Snow] mrmrd SM 501o Inv versions Sacramentary 1974,
pg1052 [arr Snow] SM 501p Rite of Peace Sacramentary 1974, pg1043 [arr
Snow] SM 501q Rite of Peace Sacramentary 1974, pg1053
SM 502 E/FD
Mondoy, 1982, 2003, drmd/SSfmSf SM 503 E/FD Mondoy, 1982, 2003
RM 504 E/FD Mondoy, 1982, 1996, 2003 mfmrd/sssslttd
DslsDsls 2017rewrite SM
505 E/FD Mondoy, 1982, 1998 smss/mdmmf
Orchestra Listen SM 506 E/ FD Mondoy, 1982, 2003
mmff/lsmslt SM 507 E/FD (Little Flower Mass) Gora, 1998 drmmm/drmm
SM 508 E/FD Mondoy, 2001, 2003 ssss/mrdmssl SM 509 LP/FD Grayson Brown
wrongly attr. Ka`eo 1992OCP smrslldtl SM 510 LP/FD Ka`eo, 1980
SM 511 LP/E/FD [Mesa Kahiko] Mondoy, 1992 ssssf/ddffdl
SM 513 Inv/LP/E/FD (Mass of Creation) Haugen, 1987
RM 514 E/FD
(Triumphant Cross Mass) Mondoy, 1979, 1989, 2013 mmm/dmmrr SM 515 E/FD
Mondoy, 2002, 1993 drdd/drd
RM 516 E/FD Mondoy, 1993, 2003 dddd/drmmrd
SM 517 Inv/LP/E/FD ; also LOG [Paschal Mystery] Mondoy, 1990 mfs/ddd/ssdr
SM 519 FD (Sing Praise & Thanksgiving) Joncas, 1989 ddtdr/ssmrdm SM
520 E/FD Mondoy, 1995, 2003 mmm/ssldtl SM 521d E/FD (Light of the
Nations) Mondoy, 1996, 2003 mmm/mslfltt
RM 521f E/FD
FIRST Version (Light of the
Nations) Mondoy, 1996, 2003 mmm/mfsmsd
RM 521f E/FD
SECOND Version (Light of the
Nations) Mondoy, 1996, 2003 mmm/mfsmsd SM 522 FD (Missah Jah) Mondoy,
2002 mmmm/dtdsdll
SM 523 E/FD (Priestly People) Mondoy, 2002, 2003,
2011, 2014 drmf/dtlsddll SM 525 E/FD (Daily Eucharist) Mondoy, 1996, 2003
RM 600 LOG Parker, 1981 ddrrmrd SM 601 LOG (Good
Shepherd Mass) Alstott, 1978 mmfrrrm SM 602 LOG (Mass of the Bells)
Peloquin 1972 rdddrdd
SM 603 LOG (Handel) Mondoy; arr 1984 msdmrr SM
604 LOG (Mass of Creation) Haugen, 1987 mfsls SM 605 LOG Olawski, 1984
slsdflf SM 606 LOG [Psallite Mass] Joncas 1988 lffllt SM 607 Agnus
Dei Missa de Angelis Chant drdrmd SM 608 LOG (Holy Cross Mass) Isele,
1979 drmfsfm SM 609 LOG (Tahitian language) Pétiot, 1993, via Keaukaha
sss fmm SM 611 LOG (Mesa Kahiko) (Hawaiian/English) Mondoy, 2012
SM 617 LOG; also LPryaer, FDox (Paschal Mystery) Mondoy, 1991 mrdrmf
SM 618
(Molokai Mass) (Hawaiian/English) Mondoy, 2012 mssltdm
SM 619
LOG (Sing
Praise & Thanksgiving) Joncas, 1989 smmslss
SM 621 LOG (Light of the
Nations) Mondoy, 1996 drmrsd SM 622 LOG (Missah Jah) Mondoy, 2002
slssls SM 623 LOG (Priestly People) Mondoy, 2014
SM 626 LOG (Worthy to Stand in Your Presence) Mondoy, 2012 msslr
Orchestra Listen
RM 627 LOG Mondoy, 2006 msmrsttl
Listen Orchestra
RM 629 LOG
(Mass of Light) Haas, 1988
mrmmml SM 632 LOG (Jesus, Compassion of God) old 628 Haas, 1999
mfsmmfss SM 640h LOG (Hana Mass) Hawaiian old 630h Mondoy, 1976, 1996
mrdmd SM 641h LOG Hawaiian old 631h Peters, 1988 ddtdrm SM 642h LOG
(Pu`uiki Mass) Hawaiian old 632h Kupau, 1984 ddrdsd SM 643h LOG
(Honolulu Mass) Hawaiian old 633h Mondoy, 1984 ssltdll SM 644h LOG
(Ordination Mass) Hawaiian, concert old 634 Mondoy, 1974, rev.1995 slsds
SM 645h LOG (Missa sandwicensis) old 635 Garcia, 1974? Rev rmm07
drmdrmfrm SM 680a Concluding Rite Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1044 ddldd
SM 680b Concluding Rite Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1044 slsll SM 680c
Solemn Blessing Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1045 ddldd SM 680d Solemn
Blessing Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1046 slsll SM 680e Prayer over the
People Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1048 ddldd SM 680f Prayer over the People
Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 1048 slsll SM 680latin Solemn Pontifical
Blessing Roman Missal ssm SM 680ordinations Dismissal Dialogue
(English) after Roman Missal ssm SM 699 Solemn Blessing (Paschal
Mystery) Mondoy, 1997 mmmsm RM 700 Dismissal Dialogue (Paschal Mystery)
Mondoy, 1983 mmmsm SM Dismissal Dialogue for Ecumenical
Thanksgiving Mondoy, 1983 mmmsm SM 701 Dismissal Dialogue Sacramentary,
1974 Pg. 1049, 1053 ddtlsvar RM 701 Dismissal Dialogue (RM III) fmrmrd
RM 702 Lenten Dismissal Dialogue Hansen, 1978, RM 2012 dtl SM 702
Lenten Dismissal Dialogue Hansen, 1978 lmmmdr SM 702.r Dismissal
Reconciliation Service Hansen, 1978 lmmmdr SM 703 Dismissal
Dialogue/Easter Sacramentary, 1974 Pg. 207 slsfsls SM 721 Dismissal
Dialogue (Light of the Nations) Mondoy, 1998 drmmd